Title: Sense Writer: gaelicspirit Alternate links: FFNet Status of work: Complete Characters: Dean, Sam, and Castiel. Rating: PG-13 for language, a mature scene in the first chapter, and some darker themes Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Set in Season 5 after 5.05, Fallen Idol. Length: 65k Summary: There are things that make him human. Deciding what those are will become the difference between sanity and madness. When a demon forces the issue, Dean and Sam fight back the only way they can: together.
Reccer's notes: Gaelic is one of my favorite gen authors. And this is one of my favorite stories from her. I love the set up of the story. How the, back then rocky, relationship between the brothers is treated as they try to find a solution to a new predicament: one of them losing all his senses. I also love Castiel's participation. The action, angst, hurt/comfort. It's a long read, but it's so worth it you won't be able to stop reading until you reach "the end".