Title: Stacking Bones Writer: glassshoe Alternate links: FF.net Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean, Bobby, Ruby, Sam Rating: T Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Dean-centric, angst, major character death if you skip the epilogue Length: 23,499 words Summary: Sam never gave up on Dean, but he didn’t save him either.
Reccer's notes: There are many fics that pick up the threads of canon after the Season 3 finale and this is one of my favourite takes on the 'Dean returns from Hell' scenario. The basic premise is that he's with Bobby after returning and I don't want to say too much about what is going on, because for me a large part of the enjoyment is due to it being written from Dean's POV, a mystery unfolding. Very raw, sad and one of my favourite explorations of SPN's conception of demons.
[Short excerpt]Dean closes his eyes in Hell and opens them in the back seat of a 1971 Chevelle, rocking back and forth with the motion of the car, sick to his stomach, sick down to the soles of his feet and weak as a day-old kitten. There's dirt in his clothes, sand in his eyes and fire in his muscles. There's also the sharp, familiar smell of gasoline and engine grease in his nose. It's the kind of smell you only find in a garage or in an old car that's been salvaged from a junkyard and brought back to life, or kept running past its time. It's warm and familiar, like apple pie and hot coffee. When Dean smells that smell, that's when he knows that he's saved.