Title: Dine With Them Cannibals Writer: crumble_cake Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Benny Rating: R Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read](suicidal ideation) Length: 2700 Summary: post 8x09. (Any day now, things are gonna go to shit.)
Reccer's notes: This author does many things very skillfully, but here are my favorites. One--she grapples with Dean's post-Purgatory darkness and depression in sparse beautiful language, and more deeply than we got in canon. Two--she shows his friendship with Benny as healthy and serious in the few lines of dialog they share. And she also gives us a brutal picture of how strained Sam and Dean were, and just how bad Dean thought it might get. "Dine With Them Cannibals" explores Dean's character during a tough period in canon in an unflinching and still empathetic way. I found this to be a really satisfying read.
[Short excerpt]Any day now, Sam is going to put a gun to Dean's temple - or just a fist to his face, who the fuck knows - or he's gonna bring back Benny's head and throw it in Dean's lap like a bag of burgers with extra ketchup. Or the world is just gonna try its best to end, again. Or Benny is gonna call it quits, one way or another, except for the part where he can't call at all because Dean dumped his phone before Sam could get his hands on it. Any day now, things are gonna go to shit. In the meantime, he's waiting, and getting more tired by the hour.