[Fic] chemm80: Soft Place to Fall

Feb 23, 2013 08:54

[ Gen ]

Title: Soft Place to Fall
Writer: chemm80
Status of work: Complete
Characters: Dean and Sam Winchester
Rating: PG-13
Length: 3242
Summary: Dean’s disgusted but not surprised that feeling better doesn’t actually result in him really…well, feeling better.

Reccer's notes: Another hurt/comfort story (are you seeing a pattern here?). I love the characterization and the whole setting in which they deal with Dean is down for the count and they gotta use alternatives for the healing and laying low from the FBI. I especially love the ending. So, if you feel like reading some hurt/comfort you should read this one :)

c: sam winchester, t: illness/injury (temporary), t: hurt/comfort, c: dean winchester, t: s2, *gen, ^fic

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