Title: La Grande Mort Writer: sistabro Alternate links: on AO3 Status of work: complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Tessa Rating: R Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Major character death. Asexuality. Sexual content. Length: 1,324 Summary: Dean was the one that got away once, but Tessa isn't going to let that happen this time.
Reccer's notes: Dean and Tessa have such an interesting and series-long relationship, I make grabby-hands at pretty much any piece of fic or art I come across for them. And this is such a tasty little nugget! Tessa really shines here, as a being filled with compassion who is still very much Not Human. The story is definitely sexual (written for salt_burn_porn) but getting to witness how Tessa views and experiences sex is what I found to be the most rewarding.