Title: Coming Clean Writer: rillaotvalley Status of work: Complete Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Jo Rating: NC-17 Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]Sex, violence, language Length: 11,738 Summary: When his cell starts ringing again a minute later, he swears under his breath. She’s a smart girl. She’s proud. She should have taken the hint. She shouldn’t be trying to humiliate herself like this. So something’s wrong.
Reccer's notes: This fic is a gorgeous exploration of Dean and Jo, post-Born Under a Bad Sign. Jo's hunting on her own, and when a hunt goes bad, she calls Dean. They're tense and wary of each other, but Jo's hurt, Dean's tired, and it all comes to a head in scuzzy motel shower as Jo tries to clean up after the hunt. The sex is deliciously hot, but what sells this fic is rillaotvalley's deft handling of the emotions running between Dean and Jo. Every line sings with tension, drawing you towards a resolution that just feels right. One of the first Dean/Jo fics I ever came across, five years later Coming Clean is still one of my favorites.
[Short excerpt]Dean considers telling her that no matter how hard she scrubs, she won’t get rid of the blood and the death. Those things run deeper. Much, much deeper. Does she even comprehend how far down it can go?
Time passes, measurable only in terms of the rising height of the water in the tub. When he looks back down, it’s pooling around her hips. He thinks of his dad fucking up and getting Jo’s dad killed. He remembers Jo ripping the bullet from his shoulder and asking in a nonchalant voice if demons lie or tell the truth.