[Fic] callunavulgari: There Are Songs I'll Never Write

Mar 01, 2013 23:04

[Rarepair FPF: Ruby/Morgana]
Title: there are songs i'll never write

callunavulgari / phantasmik
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Ruby/Morgana, (Ruby/Sam)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]crossover (Merlin), second person POV, hell, gore, unhealthy relationships, graphic descriptions of violence
Length: 1,500 words
Summary: You don't know her by name, at first. None of you have names in hell, you are all one writhing, screaming mass of matter that once upon a time fancied yourselves as human. For a time, she is your executioner-your torturer. She slides razor blades across your skin like a caress, peels your skin from your body and unmakes you from the inside. You die at her hands time and time again, her face the first and the last thing you see.

Reccer's notes: I have to admit I have a thing for second person POV because when done right it makes a story so incredibly immediate and breath taking, like a punch to the heart. This one is doing it right. This is mostly a story about Ruby and about the demon who broke Ruby and made her what she was.

c: ruby, t: hell, *rarepair fpf, *crossovers, ^fic, p: ruby/sam, fic: 1-5k, t: femmeslash

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