Sweet! Memes!
Apricots - Mmm...apricots. Seriously the best fruit ever, and responsible for several of my best memories...
Beer - Ha! Yet another of the best things in life. In fact, if you combine it with apricots, you get apricot hefeweizen, which is responsible for a whole other set of good memories. ;)
Family - Y'know, I never used to really think about family. I mean, I loved my mom and my sister and my nephews, but there didn't seem to be much point thinking about it beyond that.
And now look at me. I have got the best family you could ever hope for. A damn sexy husband and a beautiful baby boy. Happy does not begin to cover it.
Flying - Yet another thing I didn't used to think too much about. It's not really why I joined the Air Force, but now that I'm out, I kinda miss it. I might have to see about taking Kai up one of these weekends.
Home - It occurs to me that most of you who know me through TIC know kind of a brand new me. Family and flying and home...these are kinda recent things for me. Never thought I'd have a home until the last four years, really. And now...well, look at me now.
flyboy - See? There you go again. Though I guess I've been a flyboy practically my whole life. Air Force blue, through and through.
smirk - Heh. See, the thing is, Martha really likes it when I smirk. So does Ianto, coincidentally, but he likes it when I do most things.
family - See above.
paint - I do love to paint. I don't have much time for it anymore. I think that's another thing I might have to do with Kai some weekend.
Welshman - I have the profound privilege of being married to the sexiest Welshman alive. No, really. I've now lived in Wales long enough to say this without reservation. You will never find a Welshman (or any other kind of man, really) sexier than Ianto.