Three Names that you go by:
1) Amizzle
2) Klesser
3) Kless
Three things that you LIKE about yourself:
1) my intellect
2) my sarcasm
3) my personallity i guess
Three things that you DON'T LIKE about yourself:
1) my physical appearance
2) my dylexia
3) my procrastination skills
Three parts of your heritage:
2) german
3) italian
Three things that you don't understand:
1) religion
2) grammar
3) why i am always so confused
Three things that annoy you:
1) when people don't pay their bills on time
2) people who talk about things they have no clue about
3) having to do current events
Three things that scare you:
1) being alone
2) never finding happiness
3) losing people that are close to me
Three of your everyday essentials:
1) music
2) friends
3) hugs
Three things that you are wearing RIGHT NOW:
1) sweatshirt
2) jeans
3) socks
Three things on your desk:
1) phone
2) cds
3) ap world book
Three things that you say the most:
1) WTF
2) your kidding me
3) i hate you
Three of you favorite OLDER bands:
1) the ramones
2) journey
3) ac/dc
Three of your favorite NEWER bands: <==I'll disregard this they aren't all that new
1) dropkick murphys
2) mustard plug
3) less than jake
Three things that you like about your close friends:
1) their company
2) their support
3) who they are
Three reasons that you've broken up with exes:
1) (Bryan)- I really don't even know what happened
2) (Chas)- We wanted to kill each other
3) Haven't broken up with anyone else
Three things that you would want in a relationship:
1) trust
2) happiness
3) love
Three things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
1) eyes
2) intelligence
3) smile
Three things that you CANNOT do:
1) love myslef
2)walk away from thigns easily
3) find love
Three of your favorite hobbies:
1) music
3) going to starbucks
Three things that you want REALLY BAD RIGHT NOW:
1) starbucks
2) to be warm
3) to see david
Three careers that you are considering:
1)espn anchor
2) teacher
3) philosopher
Three places that you would go on vacation:
1) greece
2) spain
3) germany
Three things that you want to do before you die:
1) tell matt how I really feel
2) see david again
3) tell my friends how much they mean to me