I don't remember friday being all that eventful, but I can always move on to Saturday if I get bored. In any event, time for me to waste some time...
I slept in rather late friday morning. I woke up first when I heard my dad getting up, but only rolled around a bit. Around noon I finally got up and took a nice, liesurely shower. The boat was docked in key west that morning so a lot of people were off touring until three or four. My dad and a lot of Valvoline guys were on the pool deck, so I sat and had lunch (chow mein duck and peking chicken), finished eating around two, when they start serving drinks. There was always a "drink of the day", some tropical deal in a souvenir glass. I think it was some variation of a pina colada, kind of an orange and mango with an ass load of rum. I had three and then an amerato and coke. It couldn't have been later than 3:30, and I didn't have to be at the dining room until 7:30, but all I remember doing in that time is swimming. I know I didn't swim for four hours, but I can't remember what else I did. Not a memory loss problem, a memory lapse problem, it was five days ago. In any event, more wine and liquor with dinner, ended up back in the hot tub. This time there was a middle aged couple and a little shit cock assed 15 year old kid. I think I tried to stay out of the conversation for the most part, but eventually some girl this kid had been talking to earlier came by, and he spent fifteen minutes repeating the same argument trying to get her into the hot tub. It was some small amusement arguing with him and then against him for a while, but it got redundant. So, being the helpful relationship counselor, I told him that it'd be a better idea to follow her to her room than drag her into this hot tub. That and then I could relax for a while. Some time around midnight I found myself running laps around their olympic jogging track. This happened every night. Random stragglers would come up for the view (it was the highest deck on the boat), it was always amusing listening to them as I came by again... and again... and again... Then my legs got tired so I started doing pushups and crunches, then more laps, then more pushups, damndest thing. Throughout the entire day I never hit on anyone, never gave a suggestive glance, it wasn't my environment. I don't drop in the middle of a thousand people I don't know and sprout roots. I get bored asking the same ice breaker questions: "where you from, what do you do, oh, you like that, what brings you to florida?", so I'd try to spice it up, throw in something like "so'd you wake up with YOUR wife this morning, ever get aroused when the neighbors dog started investigating your genitals?", but that didn't make any friends either. No one helped me spice up the comversation, and I had no prior knowledge of these people to work on. I needed a wingman. I like going to a party where one guy introduces me to another, then she introduces me to someone else and so on. I always get along with my friends friends, with a few small exceptions. But without a wingman I felt so vulnerable, it'd be so easy to get shot down.
Just so this isn't so intimidating, I'll start a new post for saturday, that was margarita night