My yahoo account has been stolen!!! i'm fucking pissed. so if you get an email from me, its not me. i've switched everything over to my gmail account:
so i broke down today and took a shower. i wasn't gonna shower all weekend (being one of those lazy weekends), but my several day beard growth was just too damn itchy. i was excited to find out that tonight there will be many Law and Order SVU / CI episodes on and i think i'll pleasantly watch them.
Saturday is the beer fest. as usual i'll be driving. hopefully i can get hollie to go because it would be TOTALLY SWEET to have some company. afterwards we will be retiring to our house for some good old fashioned drinking. so COME TO MY HOUSE ON SATURDAY.
last night i dreamt about joanna's cat, ernie. i'm not sure why. part of the dream was some guy shoved ernie into a tiny mily jug. his head was too big to fit through the opening, so i had to use my box cutter to cut him out. also making an appearance was the hubers smelly cat.