Title: Calm Before the Storm (Formally: The Chronicles of Seb and Chuck)
Pairing: Seb/Chuck (Simple Plan)
Author: Rockyhorror06
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Oh boy do I wish...
Note: Previous chapters available in my journal.
Cross Posted.
Chapter 4
A week's passed and Pat's kept his mouth shut, for now. I swear if he lets anything slip then I'm taking back my iPod. Jeff, Pierre, and Chuck noticed that I'm now doing Pat's laundry as well as my own and that he's got my iPod. David was quick to make up the excuse that I broke one of Pat's cameras and this is how I'm repaying him. They seemed to buy it.
I sat in my room with my guitar in my lap, strumming random chords when there was a knock on my door.
Jeff poked his head in, "Wanna play?" he asked, showing his own guitar.
"Sure," I replied, resettling myself on my bed to make room for Jeff. He sat down and started to play the opening chords to Worst Day Ever.
"So, what's the real reason for you doing Pat's laundry?" he asked, looking at me as he continued to play.
"What makes you think that the reason is different from what I told you?" I asked, trying to play it cool.
"Seb, we're all aware that Pat treats those cameras as if they were his children and that he wouldn't leave them lying around for fear of something happening to them. Also, we all know better then to touch any of Pat's filming equipment," he said as he made a song transition to Addicted.
"So?" I asked after a long pause.
"So, I, well, we, meaning Pierre and myself-"
"Wait! When did Pierre become a part of this?" I asked, confused.
"Well, being the two oldest members of the band, we feel the need to, uh, look out for you, I guess," he said, all of a sudden stopping his playing.
"Well, Mom, thanks but no thanks, I am capable of taking care of myself you know," I shot back, getting upset with the conversation. I couldn't believe where he was coming from, it's as if he and Pierre thought I was three for God's sake. "You know what, I'm not really in the mood to play anymore," I said putting down my guitar and getting up.
"We're only concerned about you, Seb! You're so distant from us lately. You used to tell us everything that was on your mind, good or bad."
"Yeah well, thinks change, Jeff, so get used to it." I had now made my way to the door and had opened it.
"You say you don't need us to look after you, yet you're acting like a baby! Talk about being ironic," he shot back. You know what? He's right. Wait a minute, why am I taking his side?
"Fuck you, Jeff!" I screamed before slamming the door behind me. Then I realize that it was my room, not his, and he should be the one leaving, not me. I decided, instead of embarrassing myself by asking Jeff to leave my room, I would go find David.
First place I looked was his room. The door was slightly open so I went in. What I found was not David, it was Chuck. He was sitting on his bed looking through a notebook of some sort.
"Chuck, do you know where David is?" I asked, stepping further into the room.
He looked up, startled, "Oh, hey, Seb. I think David is downstairs playing video games with Pierre. Why? If you need to talk, you know, I'm here to listen," he said as he put his notebook down.
I argued in my head about the pros and cons of talking with Chuck and decided I would give it a shot. "Have you ever liked a... girl, that you've known for a long time and are close to?" I asked as I sat on David's bed and picked up a guitar pick and started playing with it.
Chuck took a minute or so to respond to my question. "When I was in school one of my best friends was this girl, named Jane. Pierre swore that I liked her and that she had the hots for me," he said. He started to laugh. "So Pierre forced me to ask her out and I found out that she not only didn't like me in that way, but she didn't like boys in general that way," he said still laughing.
My mouth went dry. "Oh really?" I said, forcing myself to laugh.
"Yeah, can you imagine that? I never let Pierre have a say in my love life again after that," he said. He slowly stopped laughing.
"Well, thanks, Chuck. I should go find David now," I said quickly getting up and leaving before he could respond.
I went downstairs, feeling like I could burst into tears at any moment. I found David in front of the TV, playing video games with Pierre, just like Chuck said.
"Want to go for a walk with me, David?" I asked. He looked up at me and must have noticed the look on my face because he reluctantly gave up his spot on the couch and gave his controller to Patrick.
Once the front door snapped shut I just let everything pour out of my mouth. My conversation with Jeff, my conversation with Chuck, how I was so overwhelmed with emotions, how I missed my iPod, and how I hated having to do Pat's laundry. This was the trigger to my break down; I just started to sob. I stopped walking and sat on a near by rock due to the lack of oxygen I was getting from sobbing so hard. I think I scared the crap out of David because it took him time to comprehend everything that just happened.
"Oh, Seb!" he said sitting next to me and pulling me into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and he allowed my tears to soak through his shirt.
"I just can't take it anymore, David! I feel so bottled up and I'm sick of keeping everything from the other guys," I said into his shirt so it sounded muffled, I'd be surprised if he heard any of it.
"If it's making you this upset, Seb, you should just tell them!" David said, pulling back so he could look at me. I furiously wiped my eyes.
"I wish it were that easy! What if they hate me? What if they're disgusted by me? What if Chuck never wants to look at me again?" I asked him, getting more hysterical.
"All these 'what ifs?'! I'm trying to help you here, Seb, and you keep shooting me down! I don't have to be helping you, you know. I could've told the guys you were gay a while ago but I didn't because you're my friend and I wouldn't hurt you like that. But if you don't want my help just say so, Seb," he said as he got up and started back towards the house.
"Wait! David! Come back, please," I yelled after him. He turned around and looked at me.
"Give me one good reason why I should."
"Because you're my friend and I care about what you have to say and I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have you right now," I told him. He came back to the rock and hugged me.
"No one besides my mother has ever said anything that nice to me before."
It was at this point we bother just cried like the two idiots we are. A while passed before we calmed down and started to head home. We went inside and made our way upstairs.
"Uh, David, will you just," I paused, thinking how to word my question, "Stay with me for a while?"
"Of course, Seb," he said looking at me. "Anything."
We went into my room and I climbed onto my bed and laid down. David did the same and laid next to me. It was a little awkward at first but after a while it became very comforting. I moved my head to rest on David's shoulder and I closed my eyes, hoping I would sleep better than I had in the past few months.