Title: Torrents
Pairing: Seb/Chuck
Rating: PG
Summary: Chuck was convinced it had to be the drugs that were making Seb loopy and causing this behavior.
Notes: It's been I don't know how long since I've written anything, so I can't guarantee how good this is. It's my submission for the
layout challenge. I used selection number one.
The rain was coming down in buckets. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon, but the thick rain clouds were so dark, it looked to be much later outside. He stood at the window, leaning against the frame as he gazed out. The water was streaming down the glass so quickly that it made it almost impossible to see the scenery outside.
“Chuck,” called the man from the other room faintly. Chuck turned away from the window to attend to the youngest member of the band. Sebastien had fallen ill with the flu during the last few days of touring and was bedridden. The rest of the band had gone out for the afternoon to see a movie, leaving Chuck on nurse duty. Not that Chuck minded. He always had had a soft spot for the young guitarist. He quickly walked to the next room to see what Sebastien needed.
“Juice, please?” croaked Seb.
“Of course,” Chuck replied, already on his way to the kitchen. He returned a minute later, juice in hand. “Anything else I can get you?” he asked as Seb drank greedily.
“Will you just sit with me?” he asked, setting the empty glass down on the coffee table.
“Sure,” Chuck replied, sitting in the arm chair across from the sofa.
“No, I meant,” Seb started, not quite sure how to finish his request. He gestured to the sofa he laid on, trying to get his point across.
“Oh! You want to just-” Seb sat up a little, making room for Chuck to sit, then laid his head back down into Chuck’s lap. “Okay, this is - okay.” Chuck wasn’t sure if the other man was comfortable in this position. He felt so awkward and gangly, not sure where to put his hands. “Do you want to watch TV?” he asked, grabbing the remote from the table.
“Just want to sit here with you.” Chuck looked around unsure of what to do, then finally his hands settled in Seb’s hair, pushing it out of his face. Seb smiled up at the drummer, thankful of his kindness. “I miss the days of being home and having my mom take care of me when I got sick. This is a nice alternative though.” Chuck faintly smiled. His eyes wandered around the room, finally settling on the window. He watched the rain continue to fall in torrents.
Seb reached up and took his hand into his own, entwining their fingers. Chuck’s pulse quickened at the action. He hoped the other man couldn’t tell. Seb absentmindedly traced patterns up and down Chuck’s hand, slightly humming to himself. Chuck was convinced it had to be the drugs that were making Seb loopy and causing this behavior. The behavior though, was driving Chuck mad. He had worked so hard to squash his feelings to have them all come flooding back because the man was holding his hand. He directed his attention back to Seb, who had been gazing up at him with a goofy smile on his face.
“What?” Chuck nervously laughed. “Is there something on my face?” He brought his free hand up to feel for anything offending on his face.
“No. It’s just that - Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?”
“Um, thank you?” Chuck’s heart was pounding out of his chest by this point. What was with Seb today? Did he know how Chuck had felt about him all along? Was he screwing with him?
“Chuck, relax. You should see your face right now. You look like you swallowed your own tongue.” Seb reached up and caressed Chuck’s cheek.
“I, just, I-” Chuck was at a loss for words. Seb’s hand suddenly pulled Chuck’s head down and their lips met.
“Thank you,” Seb said sincerely, as they broke apart.
“For what?”
“For taking such good care of me, I promise to do the same for you.” Chuck processed what Seb said, realizing that he would probably get sick thanks to their kiss.
“Thank you in advance then,” he said smiling, before leaning down to kiss Seb again.