
Jan 24, 2008 23:51

For those who didn't know, I'm currently running the same computer I got before I went to college. It's the only computer I've ever owned.

What I'm starting with:
2001 Titanium Powerbook
- PowerPC G4 processor, 500 MHz
- 30GB 5400rpm hard drive
- 256MB memory
- ATI Rage Mobility 128 graphics card with 8 MB VRAM and 2x AGP
- DVD-ROM (reads CDs and DVDs, doesn't burn anything)

What I'm getting:
- 100GB 7200rpm hard drive
- 1GB memory
- Firewire 400/USB 2.0 enclosure for the old hard drive

I remembered all the games I used to play before there was OS X, and decided that the old hard drive will be reformatted as OS 9, so that I can boot from it and play the Myst trilogy, Descent, and Carmaggedon. I'll be kickin' it old school. Should I partition it and use the other partition for OS X storage (not that I'll need the space)?

Does anybody have a PS2 they'd like to unload? Caveat: I just want to play Tourist Trophy, so unless you're really desperate to get rid of your console, I probably won't pay what you're looking for.
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