1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five
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Comments 30
2. If you could say one thing and have every person in the world hear and think about it, what would you say?
3. How was the weather today? Because here, it was about 72 with a cool breeze.
4. What's your favorite feature (personality&looks) and why?
5. Act now, ask questions later or think about it, but possibly miss your chance?
I think I did a pretty good job.
And I did feel honored, which shouldn't surprise you at all. ;)
& since I love answering questions, interview me even though I was already interviewed, and I'll answer in a comment like I did w/ Ilana's questions. :) ♥
PS~ It's really funny that you said that about the loft bed, because I have one too (I think we've had this conversation before), but I never thought of it as a short person thing, and it totally is. People always ask me how I can handle sleeping up there, since mine only has a couple feet of space between the bed and the ceiling too. Post pictures when you're done redecorating!!! Although I'm sure you'll be so proud of your work you won't be able to resist.
2. Marine biologist or programming director for Brandeis?
3. Make your ideal man with guys I know you've been obsessed with?
4. If you had to make a CLTC room (co-ed), who would be in it?
5. Would you still be my friend if at the end of every sentance of conversation with you, I SCREAMED out a blatant lie about an escapade you took, no matter what location?
2. Does it bother you how many people are into Kurt Halsey, even though you know they're just trendwhores?
3. You have to watch 10 movies for the rest of your life, what are they?
4. Has your experiences in relationships made you more pessimistic or optimistic and why?
5. Are we ever going to finish hoe rock?
2. Why watch the OC when you could go out and live it?
3. What has been BBYO's most significant impact in your secular life?
4. What're your aspirations in the future world of jobs?
5. Your birthday cruise is hiring 5 artists and bands for the 7 day trip, who are they?
2. When do you feel your absolute best?
3. Describe your dream date (no honeymoons in africa, kay?)
4. Listen to your heart or your head?
5. While sleeping, do you dream? How frequently?
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