I -totally- agree with the decision NOT to allow Sharia or Muslim Laws and not because they're Muslim, but because of "Separation of Church and State."
Once you open the door to allowing religions of any sort to start establishing their own way of settling disputes, you allow Church Law to take effect.
Church Law always looks good for the most dominant or mainstream religions. However, imagine what would happen if you have a really bizarre religion with strange ideals have the right to impress their own punishment or settling disputes.
If they allow that, imagine if someone created the FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER TRIBUNAL interpreting laws of the Flying Spaghetti Monster where people have to be whipped with spaghetti noodles or stoned to death by meatballs.
That may sound absurd, but if you can get hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans to embrace the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) Religion, the FSM Noodle Tribunal would have just as much right to start setting up their own code that people have to follow.
Jedi is an Official Religion in England. Imagine if the Jedi Code allowed for beheadings by Lightsaber. If you get enough Americans to subscribe to the Jedi Religion and start up a Jedi Tribunal, "Star Trek" fans will be forced to study the Jedi Religion. They will then want their own "Star Trek" Religion and United Federation of Planets Tribunal where we follow Federation Law.
How would you like it if you had to pay a fine for breaking the law of the Jedi Tribunal because you weren't wearing a brown bathrobe when you tangled with one of their followers?
People should already know from watching Corporations play the Lawyer Game that the party that knows the laws best has a huge advantage over those who don't know the law well.
Law Schools will be affected in what they teach. It will be a huge mess. U.S. Law is like the Dollar and Muslim Law is like another form of currency being introduced into the legal system making an even bigger mess of confusion.
The United States Code is like "Judicial Currency" we all agree upon. The U.S. Legal System is confusing enough as it is. Throwing in a whole other religion with its own laws is taking the 1st Amendment of Freedom of Religion too far.
Anyone can create their own Religion.
If someone creates a Religion like the "Anti-Plastic Goddess of the West Coast" (APGW) and the law is that anyone seen using Plastic has offended their religion, imagine what happens if APGW Tribunal becomes legal where they can prosecute other people for breaking APGW Laws.
No offense to currently established Religions, but you can make any dumb law you want for your Religion. You have laws in the Middle East that say it's okay to punish women for not completely being covered up or where a woman can be stoned to death for being raped and it's seen as an adulterous affair against the woman who gets thrown in jail while the guy goes free.
If they legalize Muslim Tribunals anywhere in the United States, then you have to make it fair or equal to ALL Religions. All other Religions will have a right to set up their own Tribunals. You'll have Religious Laws up the Yin-Yang everywhere putting a chokehold on society on what they can and can't do.
The U.S. Laws are already convoluted as is. People don't have time to sit and read what the laws are of the Muslim Tribunal or any other laws of other religions. If you give any religion that kind of power to pass down laws and punishment, people have no choice but to study those laws as well so as not to break them.
That's why I'm glad it was a WOMAN to shoot that idea down. It's a TERRIBLE idea where those who are ignorant, uninformed, or uneducated will go along with it not realizing they're undoing the very fabric of the United States and what it stands for. People escaped Europe to the New World (North America now the United States) to get away from the Roman Catholic Church that was passing its own laws to run governments.
Our Laws, Not Sharia: Female Mayor Tells Unhappy Muslims "Respect them, Obey Them, Embrace Them"
March 24, 2015 by Joe Saunders 354 Comments
Cheers erupted in the city council meeting room in Irving, Texas, last week as the city passed an ordinance to make sure foreign laws would never replace Americans or Texas laws - but the city’s Muslim activists weren’t happy.
That’s because the 5-4 vote supported a proposed state law that was inspired by the establishment of a Muslim tribunal in Irving that supporters say is meant only to help local Muslims use Islamic laws to settle domestic disputes, but critics say is the first step to getting Sharia law implemented in Texas..
“The elephant in the room in that it’s the anti-Sharia bill,” one activist told the local CBS station.
Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne is an outspoken opponent of the Muslim tribunal and the possibility of Sharia law in the United States, but stressed during Thursday’s council meeting that the ordinance did not mention Sharia by name, or any other religion.
The point, she said, was that American and state civil laws reign supreme - and no foreign law has standing.
“Respect the, obey them, embrace them,” she said.
RELATED: Anti-Sharia mayor getting personal scrutiny from the press after standing up to Muslim pressure
Read more:
http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/03/24/our-laws-not-sharia-female-mayor-tells-unhappy-muslims-respect-them-obey-them-embrace-them-189525#ixzz3VMWlX2Au http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/03/24/our-laws-not-sharia-female-mayor-tells-unhappy-muslims-respect-them-obey-them-embrace-them-189525