Actually, I though this formula was already proven by the "Phantom Tollbooth" and cited in "Anchorman" says "Agree to Disagree.
In the "Phantom Tollbooth, Milo has to find something that King of Numbers and the King of Letters can agree upon. Both argue that neither of them agree upon anything.
However, Milo points out that they can both agree to disagree. No matter what one says, the other will say the opposite.
When you look at the White Dot and a Black Dot in black and white YIN-YANG Symbol. If the two colors represent polarities, the dot symbolizes how going too much in one direction ends up being the other.
A good example of this would be the "Matrix" where White represents Humanity and Black represents Machines. Neo would be the White Dot created or forged in the Realm of Machines while Agent Smith able to cross over would be the Black Dot.
The same can be said about Religion vs. Science. If Religion is White (God) and Science is Black (No God), the White and Black Dots exist. Science can exist as the Black Dot in the White Area symbolizing God while Religion can exist as White Dot within the Black Area as Science.
It's actually hinting that the more people of Science try argue that there is no God, it becomes a Religion.
The more people of Science argue that there is "No God," then "No God" becomes the name of the "God that Atheists worship."
When you say "no God exists," you're actually saying "ZERO Gods exist" in the Universe. From a Mathematical Perspective, ZERO is still a number.
If ZERO or NOTHING has been affected by God because "No God" exists, that's still a type of God. A "non-existent God" is still a type of God.
When you ask an Atheist to what degree something has been influenced by God, an Atheist will say "ZERO Percent."
ZERO is still a number.
People may think I'm babbling incoherently, but let me tell you something I learned in tutoring 5th Grade Math.
ADDITIVE IDENTITY: Anything +0 gives you the same value
MULTIPLICATIVE IDENTITY: Anything x1 gives you the same value
If God exists in everything ,then God would represent the 1. In computers, the OPPOSITE of ONE is ZERO.
So when you apply 1 and 0 to the Yin-Yang Symbol where ONE is RELIGION and WHITE (God) while ZERO is SCIENCE an BLACK (Anti-God), then the same thing would apply with the White and Black Dot.
When you apply this to Christianity with Christ and Anti-Christ in a Yin-Yang Symbol regarding Good (White) and Evil (Black), the WHITE DOT would symbolize Christ that is hidden somewhere within "Sin" (Black Region of Evil). The Anti-Christ Symbol is hidden somewhere within "Goodness" (White Region of Good).
Notice you can have really good parents who can give their child everything (WHITE REGION) and they'll end up with a "spoiled brat" (BLACK DOT).
Yet, on the flip side, you could have terrible parents and really harsh conditions that can produce a child who is really good (WHITE DOT).
I've even said there's symbolism in Christopher Reeve's 1978 "Superman" where Marlon Brando was Superman's father Jor-El. Marlon Brando was a "crime lord" and the Godfather. Superman, in some circles, is seen as symbolic of Jesus Christ.
One thing I've said is that Lex Luthor, as Superman's nemesis, would technically be Superman's father while Lois Lane symbolizes Society.
Lex Luthor = Crime
Lois Lane = Society
Superman = Justice
When there's no crime (father) to "rape" society (mother), there's no need for Justice (Superman).
You don't need Law Enforcement or police officers for anything when everything is running smoothly. There's no need for Superman when no crime has been committed because everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing and abiding by the Law..
You'll hear this saying about how a "hero will rise from the ashes." It's the theme of some really terrible circumstances that gives rise to a hero to answer the call of people in need. When there's no crime, there's no need for a hero.
A really good example of this was the 1999 movie "Mystery Men" starring Ben Stiller. Greg Kinnear as Captain Amazing had pretty much gotten rid of all crime. So he devised a plan to set free his archenemy Casanova Frankenstein.
It was a terrible idea because obviously Casanova Frankenstein hadn't been rehabilitated. However, Captain Amazing wanted a challenge because he felt he was becoming obsolete. It's because he had. He had gotten rid of most of the crime that there was nothing to do.
When you apply Law Enforcement to the NORMAL DISTRIBUTION CURVE, it's say thing that if you alleviate all crime, then the minor infractions will become the new crime.
When you hear in "Devil Wears Prada" where Stanley Tucci's character is saying "0 is the new 2" when it comes to new dresses, he's talking about how the Normal Distribution Curve for being skinny has shifted.
When you look at the Normal Distribution Curve to Law Enforcement, that's how you get a ZERO TOLERANCE where people nitpick about every little thing.
In Astrology, the Sun is often linked to a God Symbol in Leo. The Sign of Leo. It's the Sign of SEX and SELF (Selfishness). If the Sun symbolizes God, and all the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun as a star (celebrity), then God would symbolize Self.
If God supposedly exists and made everything, then God would be naturally "selfish." I don't mean that in in an insulting tone. I just mean that if you're God who created everything, you see everything as belonging to you because you made it.
The best way to explain that is how you're in a "State of Godhood." To your own body, you're "God" or "master of your own domain." If your thumb tried to exert independence and "secede" from the rest of your body, you as "God over your own body" would just shake your head and laugh.
When you apply this to the American Civil War, you could argue that it symbolized Religion vs. Science. If the United States represented people who believe in God, then the Southern States seceding from the Union would represent Science or Atheists.
LEO is opposite of Aquarius symbolizing HUMANITARIAN IDEALS. The American Civil War wasn't about slavery. It was about STATE'S RIGHTS. Those were states that were complaining about the Federal Government overruling state law.
If the states symbolize human beings, then State Law would be Humanitarianism. While it's true that people are entitled to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, the umbrella of the U.S. Constitution does not protect your rights that infringe upon other people's rights.
A crude explanation of how the Constitution works is that you're free to be happy. However, even if murdering people makes you happy, the Constitution will not protect you because you just denied someone their happiness and right to life. The act of murder might make you happy, but you just infringed upon the rights of others denying them of their happiness.
This brings back to the Yin-Yang Symbol. If the White Area symbolizes what makes you happy and what is legal, the Black Dot in the White Area symbolizes what makes you happy, but is illegal.
On the flip side, if the Black Area represents what is illegal and doesn't make people happy, the White Dot represents what is dosen't make you happy but is actually legal.
That White Dot in Law Enforcement represents committing what would normally be a crime or doing something normally seen as bad, but there was an exception to the rule.
It's when a police officer uses "necessary force" such as killing someone who is evading the law. The problem you see with racism is how people are arguing whether it's a White Dot or a Black Dot on the Yin-Yang Symbol of Law and Order.
"Did the police officer have a right to shoot and kill someone?"
(Black Region of Crime and the White Dot of imposed Law Enforcement that was justified?)
"Did the police officer act rashly or use too much force resulting in death?"
(White Region of Justice and the Black Dot of applied Law Enforcement that was unjustified?)
This is like the Mind's Eye version of asking people whether the Dress is Yellow and White or Black and Blue.
Is the cat going up the stairs or going down the stairs?
With the Blue and Black Dress, it was about a person's cones and rods tht have the ability to pick up those colors.
For the cat going up or down the stairs, it's about whether a person has a "Sherlock Holmes" or "Columbo" mind able to pick up clues from the rest of the image to figure out if the cat is going up or down.
I think understanding the Conformist/Non-Conformist theme applied to Yin and Yang with the Normal Distribution Curve will take people onto a journey of enlightenment.