Another money trail, more politics the Chicago Way

Oct 07, 2008 06:14

The Windy City, where "Democracy" is a Government Regulated Market, and the politicians control the spigot:

Obama funneled state money to family
By Ed Morrissey
Hot Air

The Associated Press has probed Barack Obama’s earmarking activities in the Illinois state senate and discovered two grants that put state money in the hands of Michelle Obama’s ( Read more... )

election 2008, the chicago way, corruption, obama

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Comments 15

chris_gerrib October 7 2008, 19:26:36 UTC
My immediate response is "so?" Obama's not trying to fill a $400 billion hole with $20 billion of earmarks.


So Chris rodney_g_graves October 7 2008, 20:00:32 UTC
Are you unfamiliar with Obama's ear mark history in his short term as a United States Senator? Likewise his #2 position in campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie?

Or are they just un-remarkable from the Chicago perspective?


Re: So Chris chris_gerrib October 7 2008, 21:45:04 UTC
I'm familiar with Obama's donor base. Since I consider Freddie / Fannie a bipartisan problem, I'm not overly worked up over it.

Regarding earmarks - McCain seems to think earmarks are some kind of sign of purity. Maybe they are, but considering the earmarks required to get the bailout bill passed, apparently they have their uses.


Chris Informs us: rodney_g_graves October 8 2008, 00:04:24 UTC
I'm familiar with Obama's donor base.

Outstanding! Who is Will Good? You know, he's the Obama Donor who claims to live in Austin Texas, and who lists his employer as "Loving" and his profession as "You." We've all been kind of wondering about who that really is, and why the Obama Campaign accepted $8,950 (almost twice the legal limit of $4,600) from him ( ... )


Wife's Cousin chris_gerrib October 8 2008, 21:06:50 UTC
Just a thought - "first cousin once removed" is not that close a family relation. Your wife's first cousin once removed is even more distant.

More to the point - did Rabbi Whats-His-Face actually do the literacy training he was paid to do? I mean, how is giving money to a faith-based organization for community service wrong?


Wife's Cousin rodney_g_graves October 8 2008, 21:14:09 UTC
What reason do you have to believe that the $75,000 “member initiatives” paid to Michelle Obama's cousin were any more effective in terms of outcome than the $160,000,000 the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (as directed by Barack Obama and William Ayers) spent on "public school reform"?


Re: Wife's Cousin chris_gerrib October 8 2008, 21:17:25 UTC
What reason do I have to assume it was not effective?


Re: Wife's Cousin rodney_g_graves October 8 2008, 21:18:42 UTC
Obama's documented history of accomplishments.


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