Long time no write, aye? Well, after 2 weeks of playing and on the verge of getting myself a tendinitis, I finally managed to reach 100% in Story Mode of Bleach DS 2nd - Kokui Hirameku Requiem! /o/
100% in Story Mode means 100% of all Parts (A, B, C, and D) opened and cleared, in all Difficulties (Easy, Normal, and Hard). =x Even realizing that the entire storyline is based on fillers, movies or whatever-like from the anime team, Bleach DS 2nd - Kokui Hirameku Requiem sure is one great game. ^^v There are some points that deserve to be mentioned:
* Kon: Playable Kon is back, and all my expectations were corresponded! YAY! /o/ New moves, new specials, new catch-up phrases! =DDD (but, why does Kon's moves and specials looks so much like the ones Street Fighter's Ryu uses? O_o');
* Story Mode is bigger and better, and there is no more Challenge Mode (which is one good thing, because I still haven't finished a single one in the first game. =x); Time Attack and Survival Modes are back too;
* All characters that had a Bankai animation in the first game got a brand new animation; some of the new characters also have Bankai animation (and Ikkaku's Bankai animation is actually larger than Ichigo's. XDDD);
* Urahara Kisuke is a great playable character, but, somehow, I expected more from his special moves... Maybe a team-up with Shihouin Yoruichi?
* There are much more playable characters than the first game, but I didn't expect the Menos-Grande (with the zoom out, so you actually fight with his "full size"), so many different Hollows, Shiba Kuukaku (she does have great attacks, but since she is based on the anime, the "mechanical arm" is also there) and Yamada Hanatarou (his level 3 special move involves Unohana Taichou. XDDD);
* The opening theme of the game is really good, "Resistance" from HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR;
* And Playable Don Kanonji sure is fun! XDDD Go on, give him a chance and try his level 3 special move. XDDD
Oh, by the way, when they call it "ハード", you better believe it. O_o' I mean, come on, Max Reiatsu Kuchiki Byakuya and 2 Menos-Grande against one tiny Kurosaki Ichigo?
Edit: Since I reached 100% in Story Mode, Kon says a diferent phrase at the "SEGA" screen. O_o'