Have you ever…
Prank called someone- not that I know of.
Kissed a stranger- No
Talked behind someone’s back- unfortunatly yes.
Cried at school- once or twice
Snuck out- nope
Cheated on a test- not that I can remember
Burned your tongue on something hot- yep
Hated the way you looked- yep
Thought of suicide- nope
Lied to your parents- yeah, but nothing that was important
Skipped school- nope
Gotten lost- yep
Regretted something- yep
Gotten drunk- nope
Worry- If I was going to make it ok driving in the snow in my car
Person you hugged- my Ryan
Frustration- having to go up north so early
Thing you typed- ......~look up~
Phone call- my mom
Instant message- Rachel I
Time you took a shower- 2 o'clock this afternoon
Person you got in an argument with- My sister
Song you sang out loud to- Walk Away :: Sleigh Ride
Ride home- ummm.....after school on wednesday
Time you cried- a few weeks ago
Crush- ummm....well I guess you could say I still have a crush...even though I'm dating the crush lol.
Time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt- a few days ago
Your friends…
Best friend- Jessie, Ryan, Claire, Devon.
Loudest- Kathy
Most stylish- Jess
Best friend of the opposite sex- Ryan and Devon
Other friends of the opposite sex- Jeremy, Spencer, Anthony, Jeff, John, Josh, Joe, and probably soe others that I'm forgeting.
Biggest flirt- John
The one who you always talk about stupid stuff- All of them
Funniest- hmm..I would have to say Ryan
Most friendly- Adrienne and Claire
The person you can talk about anything at all w/- Jess
Most athletic- ....idk
Best dressed- Jess
Candy- Chocolate
Color- green
Alcoholic drink- none
Item of Clothing- my leans and a sweater
Quote- ....hmmm...idk
Band/singer- hmm.. Dave Matthews Band, Rush, Death Cab for Cutie, hmm...there's more I just can't think of any
Subject in school- band and French
Kind of flower- Lily
Type of music- Classic Rock.
First thing that comes to mind-
Polar- bear
Joe- male
Yes- no
Chocolate- YAY!
Ryan- sexy babe
Kiss- Love
Win- lottery
Pig- miss piggy
Stephanie- girl...
Pink- summer
Morning- star
Joshua- cousin
Fall- colors
Crazy- hobo
Ice- winter
Rachel- hott
One- two
Snowflake- beautiful
Beatles- uncle jim
Dumb- and Dumber
What time is it- 1:40 am
Song lyric- "And I will keep calling you to see, if you're sleeping are you're dreaming if you're dreaming are you dreaming of me, I can't beilve you actually picked me"
Most missed memory- I don't really have one, today is always better then the past.
Do you want to get married- yes
Ever had a job- duh
Do you play an instrument- yeppers
Been to another country- yeah
Name one group/band that you have a CD of that you actually like that “isn’t cool”- Rush hahahaha
What do you think about this survey- idk, I'm to tired to tell anything