It was an entirely frivolous evening. No serious thinking or pondering took place tonight.
No, I still haven't caught up on work. But I did work today. For six hours. Sheesh.
The Banana volunteered to get dinner started (really late, but she was gaming, and I was reading, so...) She asked me to go to her computer and occasionally press the space bar or move the mouse around so that she wouldn't get kicked off the server for being afk too long. I was delighted with the invite to (as I saw it) chat with people and get killed - as The Banana. She hastily messaged her chat people to tell them to ignore me.
*sigh* Cut off from communicating - it was horrible! So I figured I might as well start walking around and using the flamethrower. What I learned was that it obviously takes time to gain true mobility in game. I look skyward and at the ground for no particular reason, occasionally spin randomly and without intending to. There just isn't a strong connection yet between where I WANT to go and my fingers making the right moves. For the next two hours, I got stuck in doorways, struggled to leave the respawning area, and identified hairpin turns as the most lethal elements of the game. The game was Team Fortress 2.
After two hours, I was feeling lightheaded and sick. Thought I was coming down with the flu. 10 minutes after leaving the computer, and I felt MUCH better...and realized it was motion sickness. Oh the humiliation. See, I don't get seasick when most people do. I *like* being in/on the ocean in rough weather. Turning green in front of a computer monitor is just, well, embarrassing.
I'm now thinking I've found my niche though: I should assemble teams of elderly novices like me, and organize footraces on empty servers. Nevermind the actual game objective, for some of us simple locomotion is a challenge.
Resolutions and stuff to come.
For now, I'm gonna call it a night. Or morning. Get some sleep and try to forget that my first experience of 2009 was failing horribly and getting seasick without leaving home. *snickering*
Happy new year, everyone!