Since I know not everyone is doing the Christmas Wishlist meme thing, I decided to make a post where you guys can request holiday gifts from me.
I'm extremely poor around this time of year (especially this year), so I can't buy you guys stuff, or even send you postcards, but I figured I can still do something personal for each and every one of you.
So here is your chance to request something from THE MOUSE *cackles*
Some of you might remember I did a poll a while ago about who wants what (fic/icons/graphics). I don't know which request was which exactly - I'm stupid like that - so if you wouldn't mind commenting with your choices again, I'd be extremely grateful ^_^
This is also the place where you can be more specific about pairings/ratings/plots/etc.
Copy the text from your box of choice (below) into a comment.
For those who wanted fic:
Name:Fandom(s):Pairing(s):Preferred Rating:Fic genre (optional):Prompt words/plot bunnies/anything specific you'd like to see in the fic? (optional):May I post your fic in my journal?: Examples of fic genres: AU (alternative universe), angst, gen, het, slash, femmeslash, fluff, hurt/comfort, death!fic, bondage, bloodplay (or other kinks), RPS (real person slash), OC (original character), etc.
For those who wanted icons/graphics:
Name:Fandom(s):Pairing(s) (optional):Icon/header/banner/wallpaper/graphic?:Do you want text on your "gift"? If so, what kind of text?:Prompt words/anything specific you'd like to see in your "gift"? (optional):May I post your "gift" in my icon journal?:Extra icon question - still or animated?: If you have any more questions/ideas concerning either your requested fics/icons/whathaveyou, don't hesitate to comment.
A few notes:
- Most of you know what fandoms I'm active in.
If this isn't the case, the fandoms in which I'm prepared to create are listed
here, in my profile.
- When it comes to movies, not all the ones I've watched are listed. If you're not sure if I'm familiar with a certain movie, just ask. I've probably seen it :D
- Various crossovers are welcome. There are no restrictions when it comes to topics/prompts/pairings/ratings.
Also: if you want a fic/icon with some fandom/character/actor/whatever that isn't listed in my profile, or in any way mentioned in this post, don't hesitate to ask anyway. Who knows, maybe we can work something out? :3
PS. I can't guarantee everyone will get a full-fledged, 5000+ word fic or extremely sophisticated graphic, but I'll do the best that I can *smiles*
So, dear f-list... how can I make your Christmas merry? ^_^
EDIT. I know I owe someone icons, but I keep forgetting who *facepalms* If you could speak up when commenting on this post, I'll be sure to add an extra gift to your Xmas request *sheepish grin*
THIS POST WILL REMAIN OPEN FOR A WEEK (till midnight on Dec 6th)!