I now remember why I used to just shut up and go hunting when Elladan went into his 'I am the heir to Elrond so I must go around soothing hurts and spreading cheerfulness and hope all around' or the the subsequent 'I sacrifice everything to be a leader and healer but nobody appreciates me' mode.
Because I'd tell him to just shut up, and then he'd start the 'Second son with no responsibilities, you don't know how easy it is for you, you don't understand' tirade, to which I'd do what Mags did so
aptly well yesterday and give him the set down he deserved.
Of course then we'd have the 'yes I am a worthless imitation of adar, nobody loves me, they only put up with me because I'm the son and heir to Lord Elrond' pathetic mode, which it seems
he is in now.
Now he's probably trotting back to Tirion at the slowest pace possible, waiting for the next bit, which is of course, either Adar or Glorfy chasing after him, finding him just as the sun in going down, giving him a hug and saying loads of crap to boost that pea sized self esteem of his, and when that's sorted out saying "Elrohir, it is too late to ride back now. Shall we camp here tonight?", to which Elladan will be ecstatic and go trotting off to get some firewood. Of course, the next day he'll come back radiating self-confidence with a smug smile plastered on his face, and then come to me and say "Elrohir, it is a shame you could not join us... the stories he told, the talks we had... maybe next time."
Can anybody really blame me for going hunting to avoid this farce?
Hmmm... but then Maglor isn't adar and Haldir isn't Glorfy, so this might turn out to be very interesting...
Wonder what Elladan will do when he reaches the gates of Tirion and realises that nobody is going to come after him *grins eviliy* Very interesting indeed...
And I suppose I should forgive Mags then? Randy old boy.... I suppose it was the piece down there doing the talking. Hmmm ... where is he, by the way? And Haldir?
*goes to look for them*
I'm a ponce. I'm a childish, petty, ponce.
I didn't realise that Elrohir had apologised to me yesterday.
And that note... why didn't I open it???
*goes to bash head againt a hard, hard tree*