Ok so I went to the book fair. I really liked it and I was able to check out pretty much everything in about an hour. I got to that left wing store or whatever it was that you probably were at. I got 5 books from there. Chomsky, Guevara, Castro (authors actually), etc (Pretty cool how those five books only cost $12). There was an old guy selling
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Last week South America was witness of another amazing episode in its history. Peruvian politicians, famous for their incompetence, changed part of the Peruvian legislation for a "modification" of the frontier in the Pacific Ocean with Chile
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Qué tiempos más bellos, más horribles, más mágicos. La dificultad, el temor, la timidez. Qué pequeño me sentía, qué pequeño se sentía el muchacho de al lado, que un año y medio después terminaría muerto en un accidente
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