You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: sup
You: nothing much really
You: trying to find someone to talk to
Stranger: asl?
Stranger: me too
You: that isn't completely retarded
Stranger: nice to meet ya
Stranger: i qualify
You: 24 f usa
Stranger: cool
Stranger: 19 male
You: I'll be the judge of that ;)
Stranger: haha
You: location?
Stranger: fair enough
Stranger: califronia
You: I adore Cali
You: I'm from NYC
Stranger: im nor cal
Stranger: wow
Stranger: I wanna go
Stranger: so bad
Stranger: I went last sumer
Stranger: summer
You: I went to San Diego .... hmm... 4 or 5 years ago
You: 4 years ago
Stranger: Its nice, definitely the best place in california
You: god, it's fucking gorgeous!
Stranger: yes it is
You: ugh what I wouldn't give for some cali sun right now
Stranger: what would u give?
Stranger: haha
You: hmmm..... idk
Stranger: jk
Stranger: so u in school?
You: I would give.........some marshmallow peeps! :D
You: yes, part time
Stranger: those are kinda gross..
Stranger: just me
Stranger: major?
You: lol
You: I just ate some
Stranger: im communications
Stranger: yellow?
You: blue!
Stranger: or pink?
Stranger: oh
You: blue chicks!
Stranger: yeah those are gross
You: I like the bunnies
You: maybe you're gross. ever think about that? :)
Stranger: i'm fine as hell your trippin
You: no, i'm sitting right here. kind of hard to trip when you're stationary
You: :D
You: *smug face*
Stranger: unless ur on drugs
You: touché
Stranger: hoory
Stranger: ay
You: LOL
Stranger: so auhhh u gotta man
You: of course. I, too, am fine as hell
Stranger: prove it
You: I'm afraid mere mortals are not prepared for a beauty such as mine
You: sry2say
You: okok who's the hottest chick you can think of?
Stranger: girls next door all of them
You: huh?
Stranger: the show
You: oh. I donut know it
Stranger: playboy
You: oh alright
Stranger: so auhh ur getin me a little stiffy
You: fest your eyes on that!
You: ;)
You: :-*
You: and by fest i mean feast
Stranger: u ever show me that again ill fly down ther and do the dirty
You: wtf is "do the dirty"?
Stranger: hi im chris hanson dateline mbc
You: sorry, you can't even spell your name correctly
Stranger: meaning fuck ur butt
Stranger: hard
Stranger: to hard
Stranger: extremlly hard
You: that's okay because you were getting a stiffy by a MAN
You: ;)
You: *blows kisses*
Stranger: hahahahahahahahah fuck head ur funny
Stranger: go sit ona dick faget
You: I will. Yours. When you fly over here to fuck my butt extremely hard
You: just like you said
Stranger: ya
You: it's a date! ;)
Stranger: k
You: and learn to spell
You: it's "faggot"
Stranger: and thats u
You: if you're going to call names
You: do it properly
You: Well you just told me you'd fuck me in the ass, so that makes you just as much a homo as me, sweetcheeks
Stranger: lick cock
You: Duh, that's what I like to do.
Stranger: then ur gay
Stranger: i like pussy
Stranger: alot
You: Didn't we just establish that I'm gay?
Stranger: ya
Stranger: u r
You: You also cannot spell... a lot
Your conversational partner has disconnected