Jan 13, 2005 21:49
You can ask me 3 questions. Any 3 no matter how personal, private or random. I have to answer them honestly. In turn you have to post this message in your own bulletin and you have to answer the questions that are asked to you. So go ahead and ask me any 3 questions.
Got this from Court Dillo =)
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Comments 4
2. Do you like going to CK?
3. What do you miss most about camp?
2. Yeah, i like it, but I think I would love Wayne tooo =))
3. I miss all the wayne people, and waking up to everyone looking crappy!
I love you court <3 I wanna see you soon
- Rach
#2. how's being on top? eighth grade!
#3. do you wish you were still with me in MS or HS?
2. Yeah, it's alright, but i miss people too.
3. thats a dumb question, HS!!!!
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