I very seldom post anything from E-sam to my livejournal..
I very seldom post to my live journal.. There, thats more truthful. Often I lurk, I read my friends list at least daily sometimes twice or three times a day, same with Myspace, Zebrahuddle, Skatelog, and E-Sam. Every so often something happens or comes up where I decide to cross post
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Comments 5
I lost all respect I had for Chuck, and he's apparently not the person I thought he'd become, and still doesn't/won't get his culpability for his actions.
I'm sorry Denise, please pass that onto Itsari for me as well for lashing out at 12:41 pissed off, tired and sleepless.
It was misplaced anger.
There is a difference between trimming back the hedges ( Asmunds Zombie game) and outright strip mining the forest.
Keep lurking, you'll know when to come back, love.
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