I am so proud of my team these past two months. Last month they took a vicious beating at the hands of the Mobile Roller Derby team, Mobile AL. I think at the end of the bout the score was 120-30 (It was a month ago and the scores already down from DNN so I don't remember exactly as I wasn't there.)
Even though they were being creamed by Mobile, the girls kept on playing, didn't lose their tempers and start in-fighting, they played and lost as a team, together.
This past saturday they had a re-match this time on home turf with CCRG( Capital City Roller Girls, Jackson MS) whom they'd bouted back in February. February's bout was a hard bout, a lot of missed calls, no NOTT points scored, or simply 'not' making calls due to not having 10' marks laid down. Many of the players from CCRG that game were actual borrowed from an A team in Biloxi, who were playing very aggressive to the point of some dangerous slide tackle type manuevers that weren't called.
The refs congratulated the BBSD for winning that game, however the announcer announced "Beach Brawl loses by 1 point!", much to the dismay of both the crowd and the team who saw it the other way.
This past Saturday CCRG travelled to Fort Walton Beach FL, and due to travelling such a long distance for a bout ( 6+ hours) they could only field a team of 10 skaters and asked BBSD to match roster #'s which they did cut their roster down.
The two teams played their hearts out, the very first Jam the CCRG Jammer went to the box, giving BBSD a powerjam in which they scored 14 points before the Jammer came back out and the jam was called by lead Jammer Dirty Constance.
Grandslams, Jammers in the boxes, and hard hits from BBSD were to remain the rest of the 1 period only game. CCRG skated most Fresh Meat skaters with a few veterans,and by the end of the first period of the 10 who were on their roster only 6 were capable of continuing. During the period break the two coaches got together, and Coach Fred of CCRG said "We want to keep playing, but we just can't field enough skaters to do it." After some finagling, hand shaking, I announced that due to injuries the final score of the bout was BBSD 99 CCRG 21, however.. Due to the desire to keep playing, and to give the fans their $'s worth. Both teams have asked skaters who are not on the roster, as well as visiting skaters from the Panama City Roller Derby team to gear up, and in 10 minutes time, a full 30 minute scrimmage would be played as players drew lots and played a pick up 30 bout of derby.
I've heard of Roller Derby breaking up marriages, but I witnessed for the first time two SETS of Derby Wives being split up and having to skate against each other!
The teams loved it, fresh meat skaters who weren't able to skate in the bout that night were able to get some 'bout time', the fans got a great show, and both teams displayed an extraordinary amount of sportsmanship.
I'm so proud of my team this past two bouts.
I am also very proud of the CCRG team, who despite having a thin roster, several injuries ( including a broken rib, in which the skater tried to skate 3 more jams before finally asking for a EMT.), they wanted to 'Derby up' and keep playing not only for themselves, but for the crowd and the fans.
A team learns a lot by winning, but they learn even more about themselves as players and people, when they are on the losing end.