May 11, 2007 23:40
He smirked to himself as he tuned his guitar while he waited for his slowpoke of a boyfriend. "Will you hurry up?" he called sitting on his couch. He blinked and looked up into the hallway. "That's my shirt!" he shouted knowing what was taking him so long. He blinked again. "Don't open the back door either. Now hurry up!"
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Lucas opened the door and paused just long enough for wind to catch the trash and sending its contents sprawling on the porch. 'oh, thats right' lucas thought remembering the previous warning. And with a shrug he threw the bag into the pile, making a mental note to clean it up later.
Lucas raced through the small shack of a house and jumped over the couch to land next to Kaori, allowing his tail to slowly slide to the floor.
"Sup, Buddeh?"
He glanced around the corner of the hallway. He was late to class, but it was well worth it. Course, detention for another day made him want to rethink his decision. As he started to walk toward science he stopped in mid step and blinked. "Oh man not again," he grumbled. He turned and bumped into just what he had seen. "Sorry!" he exclaimed.
Kaori shook his head, letting the memory rest in the back of his mind for now and picked up his guitar from his lap and stood form the couch. "We better hurry up. You know Ryu's waiting for us at the gig. Get your guitar and lets go. And remember," he reminded him. "Keep those lips of yours shut about us. He doesn't need to know his band mates are dating." Grabbing his guitar case he settled his instrument inside and closed it for the trip.
From the window he watched as one human grabbed his 'instrument' and headed for the door. He'd been waiting for them to leave all day. His legs were starting to give out on him from standing so much. Bikark
He bounced/hopped to the front corner of the house. Finally, his chance to cause some kind of mahem was at hand. It only took him what, three hours? Two, the least. His right wing flapped. Where the hell was his on switch for his laser eye? What kind of laser is it if you can't use it? 'Dammit...stupid ignorant mad scientist...' Bikark! He bounced and once he landed the laser shot from his right eye. 'Meant to do that.' Moving the laser he aimed it at the wheels of the car and headed toward the dragon. 'Dead before dawn. I love that movie.'
Running forward from the side of the road was a tall man, at least 6'3", with a black and brown bass guitar strapped to his back and green hair running in his eyes. He had essentially run for the past fifteen minutes to get there.
"Look, no time for talking, either of you! The gig starts in half an hour, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna be late for this one! After all, Kaori...there's no way for me to get better than you unless I can actually play."
Tsuchiryu got down on one knee and began to examine the rims, eyes passing over every detail of the damage. ^i^ This isn't good. Whoever did this had it out for Lucas, and wasn't screwing around with the idea of killing him...^i^
Turning towards Kaori, Tsuchiryu did not look nervous, but there was some concern in his eyes. "Hey Kaori, do you guys have anything like a spare tire?"
Lucas grabbed two mics and shoved them into his side pockets. Strapped his guitar to his back, and grabbed an amp and speaker. "good thing i had already set the drums there, eh?"
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