Saw it again with my mom and haha, even she likes it! Though, she does sort of like shows that deal with the supernatural in a way.
I really, really like this mini-series; I feel like it's a big step above Alice and Tin Man in terms of writing. But then again, Tin Man and Alice are adaptations of established stories while Lost Room is an original one, I think. Anyway, I think Lost Room is definitely a favorite of mine.
I really like the main character, Detective Joe Miller. He seems very likeable, and I love his interaction with his daughter (Elephant pancakes!). When he loses her, I actually cared >_>, and he really means it when he says he'll do anything to get her back (cutting deals with like EVERYONE). He also seems like a very decent guy-- he hasn't killed anyone yet (lol), and he was also not willing to take the Comb from that guy after hearing him out. Also, he really does deserve the title of Detective--investigating Room 9 by using the skateboard and his cell phone to record the woman who was stuck in there. However, what I didn't like how he randomly sleeps with Jennifer Bloom/falls in love with her or whatever the fuck it was. It seemed out of place somehow.
Most of the supporting cast are likeable enough- Wally with his ticket is awesomely funny, I feel kinda sorry for Harold with the Comb, since everyone seems to always try to take him down, hell, even the Weasel became kind of a cool character after he stopped trying to kill Joe. The woman at the Order of the Reunification, however... ughhhh, hhaaaaate. Probably because I usually don't like religious fanatics and she just really rubbed me the wrong way, which I think is the point.
ALl in all, I really like this mini series. I've seen the first two episodes, and will be watching the last one soon. Somehow, (and I'm probably wrong), I just get a sense of Hotel Dusk/Crimson Room/Heroes from this mini series.
Hotel Dusk because that game is centered around a hotel that has a few mysteries to be solved.
Crimson Room - ...okay, not so sure about this one, since the object of the game is to escape from the room. Maybe the act of finding objects within the room to help you gives me the connection?
Heroes - ...Well, people who possess these objects are, in a way, given super powers. And somehow, they're all being drawn together into something much bigger.
Definitely go see this!