Location: The Park, at an ice cream truck with Ten
For: Anyone
*is having an ice cream and a chat with Ten*
Romana: So, wait, have you actually figured out how to fix the chameleon circuit or...are you just speculating that it can be fixed?
Ten: I KNOW it can be fixed, I've done it before. But why bother? I like the phone box.
Romana: Mm. It's rather...eye-catching, isn't it?
Ten: It's a good shape, good colour. *shrugs* I like it as it is.
Romana: Right. *sighs, sitting on a park bench* It's boring here, Doctor.
Ten: *conversationally* Shall I blow something up for you, Lady President?
Romana: *smiles* Awww, how sweet of you, but..better not. *siiighs*
Ten: *also siiighs*