Title: Revelations (16/?)
Series: The Powers That Be
Author: Romanceguru
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss of me.
Rating: R for heaps of immorality
Fandom: Firefly/Angel crossover
Characters/Pairing: Marcus Hamilton/River Tam
Warning: Possibly very dark and disturbing
Timeline: Set a day or so after “
Summary: Hate consumes her. Truth and revelation
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Comments 14
This is... just... wow. I love that she's defeated him but not physically or mentally, just by making him fall in love with her. You sidestepped the whole Marcus is so much stronger conundrum beautifully!
I'm sad that there are only a few chapters left, though :-(
Spot on, my dear! The only thing more powerful than hate. ♥
So relieved that Simon isn't really dead, tho.
I wonder what she's gonna do now? Will she escape, find Simon, and join the crew of a Firefly that has a Marcus lookalike? Cos that would be cool!
This story needs lovin'. And apparently so does Marcus.
Marcus was purposely being cruel to River to get her to stop loving him, because that's what the prophecy ordered. Her loving the face of evil has upset the yin-yang balance and unleashed hell on earth(s).
There will be some Firefly. *g*
Please tell me that there is more where this came from. I was biting the tips of my fingers reading this last part.
Thank you for taking a chance. This story needs readers and I'm not done just yet. Slowly but surely working on the next chap. RL is just keeping me busier than I'd like! It obviously doesn't understand that I have fiction that needs to be written!
It seems to be an occuring theme amongst the writers as of late. We should all give a sacrifice to the muse and maybe it can kick RL's ass.
How do you make Marcus love un-sappy? I’m trying. ; )
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