Challenge Sixteen: Holiday Drabbles & Drawbles
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Marcus Flint/Katie Bell
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Prompt: #1 beaded bag
Using Blowing Charms, Marcus swept the newly fallen snow. Eventually, he uncovered the beaded bag, last year's Christmas gift.
"You're with Wood now," he had accused earlier, outside the pub. "Go bother him!"
"I will, if that's what you want!" She had stormed off, flinging the bag at him.
Hours later, he stood alone covered in snowflakes, choking back months of well-hidden despair. That's never what I wanted.
"You found my bag."
Foolish pride be damned! Marcus fell to his knees in the snow.
"I've been a prat. Forgive me, Katie. Please."
"We can try, Marcus, in the new year."