Challenge Sixteen: Holiday Drabbles & Drawbles
irespressogirlWizard/Witch: Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Prompt: #87 cashmere cloak
I silently slipped behind our wardrobe to watch my Christmas surprise unfold.
Sleepily pushing mussed hair from her eyes, Pansy's ever-lovely mouth betrayed her pleasure as she discovered the silver-wrapped gift beside her.
She pulled the delicate cashmere cloak from its box, a heart-stopping smile appearing on her beautiful features. My princess twirled, the green fabric flowing outward as she wrapped it around her thin frame.
"Do you like it, love?" I whispered gently, stepping to her side and enveloping her in my arms.
"I love it, Draco," she answered, standing on tip-toe to press her perfect lips to mine.