Challenge Sixteen: Holiday Drabbles & Drawbles
sshg316Wizard/Witch: Lucius Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Prompt: #51 Ungloved Hand
Diagon Alley was crowded with holiday shoppers, but he had been able to maintain his vigil - until she’d seen him. He had been watching her for months, so it was not altogether surprising that she had finally noticed his… attentions.
Her cheeks were as red as her ridiculous mittens, and he idly wondered if she would flush similarly in the throes of passion.
“What is it you want, Mr Malfoy?”
“Dinner, Miss Granger.”
Lucius nodded smugly to her incredulous companions as Hermione tucked her ungloved hand into the crook of his arm, one red mitten abandoned in the pristine snow.
Dedicated to
deemichelle who adores Lumione. This one is for you, my friend! I thought I should also add that Hermione is an adult, just in case you're wondering. *winks*