Challenge Eighteen: March Madness Redux
Title: April Showers
closetravenclawWizard/Witch: Adrian Pucey/Parvati Patil
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Genre: Romance/Whimsy
Word count: Exactly 500
Prompt: #29. New pink dress
Summary: Divination and Arithmancy combined still cannot predict the weather.
The Slytherin Quidditch team walked up the stone steps to the Entrance Hall together. Draco led the entourage, Pansy clinging to his arm like Devil’s Snare. Adrian kept to the back, letting his date step in front of him for a better vantage point of the Yule festivities. As the doors to the Great Hall opened, the rush and press of the crowd separated the unassuming couple. Once inside, Adrian began looking for his partner. The procession of champions brushed past him, and his eyes came to rest on a girl in shocking pink robes.
Ten years later…
Adrian was jolted out of his reverie by Peeves blowing raspberries at the students hurriedly departing for Easter break. The sight of Parvati wearing pink and standing amongst the milling students had taken his memories back to the first time he had noticed her.
The day before Easter break, Parvati awoke in the North Tower anxious to get through the day of classes and begin her holiday. Her daily Divination reading said to accept an unexpected invitation, but she pushed this to the back of her mind as she prepared for double Divination with Gryffindor and Slytherin.
At lunchtime, she made her usual way down numerous moving staircases, past Professor Binns’ classroom, and down the hall where Adrian taught Arithmancy. Even now, Binns still called her Miss Pennyfeather. Adrian had taken to the name also, addressing her as Miss Pennyfeather and giving a nod, as if tipping a hat, when he passed her. As she neared the Great Hall, she heard someone call her name.
She turned and saw Adrian, slightly out of breath, approaching.
Parvati decided not to scold him for his informality, as there were no students nearby. “What, no Miss Pennyfeather?”
“Uh… I was… um… I just…” His words stumbled over his thoughts.
“Yes?” Parvati raised an eyebrow.
Adrian took a deep breath. “Would you like to have a picnic with me tomorrow?”
Remembering the morning’s reading, she said, “Yes.”
Parvati saw the last students off more brusquely than usual and practically ran all the way back to her room-Adrian had insisted on calling for her properly. She had just enough time to smoothe the wrinkles from her new pink dress, unplait her hair, and double-check her weather reading-sunny today, rain tomorrow-before he knocked.
By the lake, Adrian carefully laid out the picnic he had helped the house-elves pack: chicken vindaloo, chapati, and spiced pumpkin juice. He watched Parvati as she curled her legs under herself and pulled her hair over one shoulder, the ends falling into her lap. He stilled his urge to touch her, not noticing the first drops of rain.
Picnicikus Protectus! Parvati pointed her wand skyward.
One day off-well, I am no Trelawney, she thought.
Adrian joined his spell with hers until they were ensconced under a misty pavilion the changing colors of a sunset. Parvati moved closer to Adrian, and together they watched the rain and enjoyed their picnic.
Proof-reader: A big 'Thank You' to