Romancing the Wizard
romancingwizardChallenge Six: 100-word Drabbles - Due August 31
1) Claim one prompt from the table by commenting on this post. Your username will be added to the table. Also: you must be a member to post to
romancingwizard, but memberships are approved daily. (We are asking authors to claim one prompt at a time. After you post it, please claim another prompt.)
2) Write a wizard-centric drabble incorporating the prompt. It must be exactly 100 words and follow the guidelines of this community. It must be het and romantic in notion--no abuse or squicks, but humour, angst, romance, PWP, etc. are all encouraged. All ratings are allowed.
3) Post it to
romancingwizard with your prompt as the subject. No lj-cut is required for this challenge, but please use this modified template:
4) Claim another prompt and keep writing.
***Please note: If the guidelines are not followed, you will be gently asked to edit your post.***
PRIZE: A prize and an 'award button' will be given by the mods to the author of the drabble we like the best. The prize will be selected exclusively for the winner. If
lewlinX and
seaislewitch cannot agree on a winner, there will multiple prizes--which is likely. *smirk* The more drabbles you write, the greater your chance to win. Winners will be announced by September 3.
Questions? Please comment on this post.
1 broomstick
lewlinx #2
2 Dark Mark
lewlinx #1
3 Magical Me
vaughn7272000 #1
4 Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
timestep #1
5 Muggles
6 Diffindo
slave4severus #3
7 St Mungo's
electromoon #1
8 dragon keeper
poultrygeist99 #1
9 Squib
slave4severus #5
10 Granian
seaislewitch #5
11 portrait
verseblack #1
12 Firewisky
slave4severus #2
13 Dept. of Mysteries
seaislewitch #1
14 Cheering Charm
sneaky_rhae #2
15 fairy lights
valis2 #1
16 Portkey
lewlinx #5
17 Side-Along Apparation
electromoon #3
18 Hogwarts: A History
freetheelves2# 1
19 second-hand robes
redvelvetcanopy #6
20 Vanishing Spell
strav #1
21 licorice wand
sophierom #1
22 Accio
electromoon #2
23 Order of Merlin
vaughn7272000 #3
24 Falmouth Falcons
seaislewitch #3
25 Obliviator
seaislewitch #4
26 sneakoscope
slave4severus #1
27 crystal ball
lunafish #2
28 Leaky Cauldron
lewlinx #4
29 Healer
vaughn7272000 #2
30 cloak
laudomia #1
31 Knight Bus
veradee #1
32 gravy
lewlinx #3
33 armour
sigune #1
34 everlasting icicle
35 marmalade
36 Hogsmeade
mercurysmaiden #3
37 sword
mercurysmaiden #1
38 quill
sneaky_rhae #1
39 silver Sickle
redvelvetcanopy #3
40 parchment
mercurysmaiden #2
41 Babbling Beverage
seaislewitch #2
42 candle
sophierom #2
43 mirror
lunafish #1
44 hourglass
veradee #2
45 pork chops
lunafish #3
46 Howler
47 Amortentia
valis2 #2
48 Spotted Dick
redvelvetcanopy #1
49 house-elf
slave4severus #4
50 gloves
redvelvetcanopy #2
51 Polyjuice
slave4severus #6
52 Crucio!
vaughn7272000 #4
53 fireworks
timestep #3
54 elf-made wine
elliek_21 #2
55 snake
slave4severus #7
56 Marauder's Map
redvelvetcanopy #4
57 four-poster bed
veradee #3
58 prefects' bathroom
seaislewitch #7
59 silver dagger
mercurysmaiden #6
60 Felix Felicis
seaislewitch #15
61 Knockturn Alley
poultrygeist99 #2
62 Cooling Charm
electromoon #4
63 lips
seaislewitch #14
64 Daily Prophet
irespressogirl #1
65 chocolate
mercurysmaiden #4
66 Flourish & Blott's
67 Pensieve
strav #2
68 flying carpet
seaislewitch #8
69 Cushioning Charm
elliek_21 #1
70 dance
timestep #2
71 carriage
sneaky_rhae #3
72 bewitched snowball
seaislewitch #6
73 The Dark Lord
mercurysmaiden #5
74 Time-Turner
strav #3
75 Wizard's Wireless
dustthouart #1
76 Transfiguration
velvetcandy #4
77 Feather-Light Charm
seaislewitch #13
78 Weird Sisters
electromoon #6
79 cave
laudomia #2
80 Quidditch pitch
strav #5
81 maze
seaislewitch #10
82 dress robes
lewlinx #6
83 Room of Requirement
strav #4
84 Ravenclaw
seaislewitch #9
85 swish
velvetcandy #1
86 Order of the Phoenix
redvelvetcanopy #5
87 half-blood
electromoon #7
88 Prefects Who Gained Power
velvetcandy #3
89 cauldron
electromoon #5
90 Owl Post
velvetcandy #2
91 hag
slave4severus #8
92 Durmstrang Institute
seaislewitch #12
93 ring
seaislewitch #11
94 Three Broomsticks
timestep #4
95 Curse-Breaker
strav #6
96 Floo Network Authority
irespressogirl #4
97 Wizards' Duel
verseblack #3
98 ghost
irespressogirl #2
99 butterbeer
lewlinx #7
100 Colloportus
irespressogirl #3