Challenge Twenty: The Wizards of Summer - Drabbles
Title: Naiad
seaislewitchWizard/Witch: Regulus Black/Bliss Fairchild Black (OW)
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Prompt: 7 - failing
Theme: Grotto Vignettes
June 1982
My grotto nightmare ended when Bliss pulled me from death's grip. Now she required a miracle.
Desperate, we risked exposure, travelling to the secret spring.
I carried my unconscious wife into the healing waters. "Please work…"
Nothing happened.
"Spirit of the Spring!"
I waded further into the sinister cavern.
"I beg you!" I cried, choking back my weakness. "Cure my Bliss!"
We suddenly plummeted into a surreal world. The naiad's shimmering aura paralyzed and overwhelmed my mind.
With turquoise lips, she kissed Bliss's forehead, then mine, and sent us to the surface.
"Please, Bliss, wake-up…"
Eyelashes fluttered.
Author's Notes: Thanks to
missblane for her Proof Witchery.
Fourth in a series of five drabbles. Previous:
Nymphaeum, and
Granite. Next:
More Regulus/Bliss:
The Disposition Discerner,
Death Wish Upon a Star, and
Under the Protection of Stars.