Challenge Nine: Holiday Drabbles and Drawbles
violet_snapeWizard: Severus Snape
Witch: Narcissa Malfoy
Rating/Warnings: G/PG
Prompt: #65, Secrets
“I didn’t expect to see you here tonight,” Severus said silkily, as the light poured into his room, bathing Narcissa in a gentle glow.
“Lucius had other plans,” she replied, blue eyes glittering.
She crossed the threshold and allowed him to wrap his long arms around her.
“He’s still seeing Granger, then?”
Narcissa nodded gently
“I should have married you, you know,” she said softly.
“Yes, I know,” he replied sadly.
“Do you think he suspects us?”
“He is too absorbed in his own secrets to wonder about mine.”
“This is the best secret I have ever had.”
“Me too.”
Author/Artist's Notes: Now normally, I am a SS/HG shipper....and this is my first ever attempt at a SS/NM....After Valady showed me her drabble (see above, lol) I thought it might be nice to see just why Lucius could spend his night with Hermione....Let me know what you think of it :)