Title : Killing Me Softly [MASTERPOST]
Pairing AKame
Genre: Romance
Rating : PG-13
Beta : Thanks
avya7x Summary: He is in revenge, his family being killed by a samurai clan that was reign that time. What he should choose Love or Revenge?
It was over his disguise hadn’t worked, Jin knew all along about his plan for revenge. He’s in love with the enemy now, and doesn’t have the will to continue his revenge.
He stands up and starts packing up his belongings, when the door is suddenly flung open.
“What are you doing?” Jin asked him
“I’m packing up my things,” Kame replies and continues packing up with out making eye contact with Jin.
“Why? Is this part of your revenge, making me fall in love with you and then leaving?” Jin said crying.
“What are you saying? You love me?” Kame replies and turns around to see Jin crying.
“Yes… I love you. From the moment I caught sight of those lovely eyes. I’ve spent sleepless nights thinking about them. Kame, I was there when my father murdered your parents, and I know there’s nothing I can do to bring them back. I was just a child back then. I couldn’t do anything to save them, but I promised myself that I would protect and care for you when I could.” Jin grabs Kame hands as he sees the tears flowing from his eyes.
“And when you arrived to take on the job of a geisha, my heart was overjoyed at the sight of your eyes, which have kept me awake through out the years. I was so happy, but I only discovered hatred in your eyes for me. I chose you for the job, so that you would be able to take your revenge.” Jin says and hugs him.
“You did that knowing I was going to kill you? Kame asked.
“Yes, I would give my life just to see you smile again,” Jin replies grasping Kame’s face and showering him small kisses.
“Jin, I’m sorry that I tried getting revenge. I know now that you’re not at fault here, but I was hurt and just wanted someone to blame,” Kame said crying.
“I know you don’t have to explain anything to me, I just want to hear that you love me too,” Jin asked kissing him.
“Yes, I love you too,” Kame replies kissing him back. Jin kissed him again this time more passionately wanting more….
“Ah… Jin!” Yamapi walked in without a warning, not even bothering to knock.
“Argh! What now Pi! Don’t you know how to knock?” Jin asked angrily.
“Oops. Sorry! Bad timing!” Yamapi said laughing closing the door and running away.
“Ah… I kill you even if you’re my best friend!” Jin tried to run after Yamapi but Kame pulled him back.
“Don’t worry we can take care of him later, but first things first!” Kame wraps his arms around Jin’s neck kissing him passionately. Jin’s anger dissolves immediately and he responds to Kame’s ardent kiss.
The end.
Killing Me Softly Previous Chapters
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3