Title : Aishteru Kara
Pairing : Akame
Genre: Romance
Rating : PG
Summary: Jin is back for the concert of Kat-tun, what the purpose of his coming back? Just read and find out.
A/N : This is for
bellemelody I hope you like what I done.
Jin was back in Japan unknown to his family and only one friend knows why he was back. He found Yamapi on the parking lot with a rental car for them to use.
"Hey!" He said Yamapi just looked at him and as he laughed because of Jin disguised. Yes Jin wear disguise so no one will know he was back.
"Hey man! welcome back and really you look good.... and beautiful, ha ha ha" Yamapi laughed as he see his friend pout at him.
"Stop it Pi! Did you get what I asked for?" Jin get in the car and removed his wig.
"Hey! don't remove it you will need it to enter the concert hall without being known." Yamapi said smile on his face that make Jin smirk.
"I had with this wig and this dress, did you bring what I told you?" Jin said again removing the make up on his face.
"Hai! it was in the back of the car, you can change there before I gave you the ticket" Yamapi laughed as he point the back of the car.
As Jin seat on the chair his heart receive a small stud regarding the concert that will be happening now. It was Kat-tun concert without him. As the concert was process a tears of happiness and sadness was cross in his eyes he miss them especially his Kazu. Then it time for their solo performance and Kame was the first to give them. As Kame walk in on stage Jin never left his eyes on the younger one he seat at the front stage with a guitar on his hand he will be singing the song in acoustic version.
If tonight
I would lose you
I won't forget because I still love you
After the short kisses
feeling the soft moonlight
the feeling spills
"Kazu don't cry I will find time to be together again with you" as he kiss his lover on the lips it was the night before he will go to America and live his dreams became a solo artist.
"Jin I'm scared what if you find someone else or you forgot about me?" Kame cries more as his heart was in pained of departing.
"I won't forget you cause I love you forever." Jin hugged him tight as he takes his lover lips again promising that they will be together no matter what happen.
've seen so many
laughter or sad faces
and the first time I saw them
I was confused
I locked up in my heart
even 'thank you'
was never received from your heart
"Jin stop this jealousy you knew that I only love you!" Kame as he make his boyfriend stop those jealousy regarding the fan service he and Koki was making.
"I know that but I love you so much that I can't stop my jealousy." Jin said as he see the sadness and happiness in Kame eyes, sadness because of his lack of trust and happiness cause Kame knew how much Jin loves him.
In the endless road
what you would wish/think
don't forget that feeling
and let me be next to you
The sad emotions hiding in the dark
the days we played around
the plans were to be
a dull adult but
"Hi... Jin... I hope your fine, Please call me." Kame voice was heared as the recording stop, Kame always call, text and email him. He on the other hand was busy and didn't make any thing to let the other knows that he still care.
Open the locked heart softly
the words 'thank you'
would be received to your heart now
In the endless road
what would you wish/think
don't forget that feeling
and let me be next to you
It been since month that they didn't talk to each other, he avoid anything regarding Kame in the early weeks and maybe the younger man knew that he was avoided and never call again. When he realized what his mistakes was that it means that there in the end of their road?
looking back at the distance between you and me
you thought me that i am not alone
when you are feeling sad I decided to be right behind you
so don't forget that I love you
As Kame finished the song he looked at the audience and see a familiar eyes. His heart skip a beat as he see those teary eyes that was also looking at him pleading him to don't forget him because He still love him.
If tonight I would lose you
I won't forget because I still love you
So don't forget that I still love you
As soon as the song finished Kame runs back at the backstage, heart filled with confusion and hurt then a hand culp his face dry the tears in his face as he looked up the man he love his forever was there tears also running in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Kazu for all the mistakes and hurt that I give you. As your song said that If tonight I would lose you, Just don't forget that I still love you and will love you forever." Jin pull back his hands and walking away but a hand grab from behind and hugged him tighter.
"Jin love you so much and please don't leave me again." Kame said while crying, Jin face him up.
"Aisheteru, My Kazu!" Jin said as he kiss and hugged him tight.
the end