
Apr 24, 2012 10:42

Chapter 18 - H-nii

Kame was mingling to the crowd but Jin eyes were always following the younger one.  He have to be caution the Senator is eyeing Kazuya since he meet the younger his disguised didn't do well with his sex appeal.

Junno was on car tracking them with their gadget their communication is open they slit a tiny device in their ears so Junno heard who are they talking to and they both can talk with their communicator device which attached in their tracking.

Jin was talking to a lady when he heard Koki voice in the communicator.

"Fuck Jin!  You should answer your damn phone!" Koki voice echo in his ear so he excuse himself to the lady he was talking too.
"What the fuck! Koki you're so loud!" Jin curse the other guy.

"Wellll I'm sorry you fucking not answering your phone!" Koki stresses.

"Damn! You know we are in a mission and fucking phone will be trace!" Jin was pissed as he looked at Kame and he see the younger one looking at him.

"You have to abort the mission, it Yamapi order!  An you should keep on eyes with Kame-chan, Yamapi thinks he is in danger." Koki said.

"What?  Did you already find that bastard?  How is he?" Jin questioned.

"He is fine I think, he already some orders and I think he is hyper and he want you take Kame to him now. Ryo and I will get him and bring him back" Koki said.

"So his majesty want his lover back" Jin chucked but his heart is bleeding.

"I don't think that was it, he really said that you and Kame should get out of there fast.  I think he mention that Kame is in danger or something." Koki said.

"Fuck you and now you only telling me that!" Jin nervously look where he last Kazuya, he sigh when he see the younger one alone by himself.

"Hey! I told you already that!" Koki complain.

"Okay we going to abort the mission now so stop whining!" Jin said as he cut Koki from the line and open Kazuya line with him.

"Ne, Kazu we have to abort the mission now." Jin softly said to the other line.
"Really? But I'm having fun." Kame looked at him a smirk come to his lips.
"I know ... but " Jin stop when someone approaches Kazuya.

"Kazuya?" The man said.

Kame frost he know that voice... that voice that bring back his nightmares and  the reason of it.  He gulps and try to find his composure.

"Yamashita Kazuya?  I know it you!  I found you my little Kazu-chan!" The man said that make him jumps and Jin gaps in the other line.
"I..m not Yamashita Kazuya... I'm Kamenashi Kali" Kame shut the communicator and slowly turns around to face the man that make his life miserable. 
The man looked at him and grabs his arm.
"Do you think you can fool me!  I been looking all over to find you my little Kazu-chan!" The man hand tighter.
Jin on the other hand start walking toward Kazuya  when the communicator being shut down he know that Kazuya need helps and they should  get out of here.
"Let me go!" Kame said to the other man who tighten more his grip
"Why should I? Now that I found you I will never let you go!" the man said as he hold him tight.
"Hey let him go!" Jin said as he was close and looked at the man.
"Jin!" A man also approached them.
"Jin?" The man who held Kame hand let go.
"Jin fucking man you didn't recognize us!"  One of the man say.
"Toma? Hiro?" Jin gapes in surprise.
"That right man!" Toma said and his gaze looked at Kame.
"Kazuya?" Toma asked Kame.
"No, My name is not Kazuya.  It's Kali, Jin secretary." Kame gulps nervously.
"Ah!! Yes, this is my secretary, Kali.  This is Toma, Ikuta Toma and Hiro, Uchi Hiroki, there are my childhood friends." Jin said.
"Oh sorry I thought you are Yamapi brother." Toma smiles at Kame.
"Eh? Yamapi have a brother?" Jin said as he looked at Kame suspiciously.
"Hai, you didn't know?  Maybe Yamapi doesn't' want to talk about him, we heard that he die or he disappeared.  So when I see Kali here I thought he is the one." Toma said looking at Hiro.
"Yamapi never said it to me." Jin bit his lips
"Oh I remember you are on vacation with your family when Kazu-chan visit his family.  He always stay with his grandparents maybe Yamapi haven't have a chance to tell you.  You know Pi he always forget to tell things." Toma said feeling uncomfortable with it.  Hiro was just looking at Kame and not moving away from him.
"Jin we better go,  It's already late and we have an early meeting." Kame said not looking at Hiro who is looking at him.
"It's nice to see you both.  We shall chat again soon." Jin taps his friends shoulder as Kame bows to the two.
"Kali I want to know your number." Hiro said that make Kame stiffen and Jin look at his friend.
"Here my card, Kali is new at the office it his first party attending as my secretary." Jin said as he give the card to Hiro.
"Don't worry Jin we will call you and Yamapi to have a reunion." Toma said as he get Jin card.
Jin tap Kame shoulder and they walk out of the party. Kame doesn't looked back at the two but he know Hiro still looking at him.


When there are in the car Junno looked at the two who as silent with each other. He know that something happen while they are both in the mansion.  Their communicator was dead in some minutes, he would rush up but Jin call him that it was fine before he cut his communicator.

"Hey what wrong?  Koki said to me that the mission is aborted and Yamapi is already on the way to the hideout." Junno said.
"Yamapi they already found him!" Kame said eyes is beaming.

Jin looked at Kame now he know what Kame means that Yamapi will not be replaceable in his heart.   He is happy but there are many question still not answer.  Yamapi have to answer it now.

"Let go home!" Jin only said and Junno just nodded.

Kame looked at Jin he know that the older one have many questions and this time he and Yamapi should tell their friends about their secret.

to be continued...

c-nishikido ryo, c-tegoshi yuya, c-kamenashi kazuya, c-junno taguchi, p-akame, c - uchi, c-ikuta toma, hiroki, c-jin akaneshi, c-tanaka koki, c-yamashita tomohisa, c-matsumoto jun, c-nakamura yuchi, c-ueda tatsuya

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