Title : Grandpa why do I love you!
Pairing: PiKame, Matsujun and Yamada Ryosuke
Genre: Friendship, Humor and Fluff
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yamapi have a new role and it he was tease with it.
A/N: Unbeta and like the other humor or crack fic I wrote. so I hope you enjoy and laugh with me. XD
Yamapi just got out of the boss office, he look from left to right before he started to walk at the hall way. He know he will be tease by most of the guys if he was seen. His new special drama will be starting and it's was already announce.
As he walk to the hallway, he curse himself that he didn't turn around the other corner and landed now to Arashi dressing room.
"Hey Jun your grandpa is here!" Nino said as he shouted as he see Yamapi walk toward the other corner.
"Grandpa! wait up!" Matsujun runs at him smirking that make Yamapi run to avoid the older one.
"Shut up Jun!" Yamapi said as he run down.
"Hey! Ryosuke! You're Grandpa is running! Help the old geezer! His both will be cracking down!" Yuki shouted as he pointed at Yamapi who is still running passing on Hey Sey Jump dressing room.
"Grandpa slow down it will gave you heart attack running in the whole place!" Ryosuke said as he follow Yamapi who is still running he see Jun is closing at him.
"Shut up Yamada! You should respect your elder!" Yamapi shouted back.
"I do respect you GrandPa!" Yamada shouted as he runs along with Jun.
"We respect you GrandPa!" Yamada and Matsujun said at the same time.
"Shut up you too!" Yamapi said as he runs fast so that he can hide from the two rascal.
He immediately run to a room and close it. He heard the two pass by the room and did not notice he was hiding on that room.
"Thanks God I escape that two baka." Yamapi sigh as he was breathing hard because of lack of oxygen while running to those two baka. He looked at the room and bit his lips as he see his lover dancing while his head phone on his ear. He slowly walk toward the younger one and hug the younger one waist.
"Pi what your doing in here?" Kame said as he see his boyfriend hugging him from behind.
"Your so beautiful and sexy doing your routine and I can help to devour you." Yamapi said grinning to the younger one.
"Really? Do you know I can sue you?" Kame eyebrow curl up as he looked at Yamapi.
"Eh? Why would you sue your boyfriend for devouring you?" Yamapi looked at him confuse.
"No, I can't sue my boyfriend devouring me but I can sue..." Kame wrap his arm at Yamapi neck and give him a deep kiss.
"For kissing his beloved Grandson." Kame grinned at him.
"Oh shut up! I don't want to run anymore!" Yamapi whine as he heard Yamada and MatsuJun footstep near the door.
"GrandPa! There you are!" MatsuJun and Yamada grinning at him as they see the pair hugging each other.
"Oi that incest!" Ryo said as he butt his head to the door.
"Shut up! Get out of here! I'm having a moment at my favorite Grandson!"Yamapi said as he hugged Kame and gave him a kiss.
"Wah! That's unfair we are also your Grandson!" Yamada and MatsuJun said.
"I think guys lets leave the Legendary Kosuke to his Grandson Hajime for a while." Ryo suggest.
"Eh? We are also Hajime why does he love Hajime-Kame-chan more than us." MatsuJun whine.
"You're not going away! I kiss you too!" Yamapi said as he turn around to look at the two.
"NO! Nino is my Grandpa! Ja! Ja!" MatsuJun Run out of the room.
"Me too! Chinen is my GrandPa!" Yamada got out and run too.
"And I'm out too!" Ryo said as he close the door.
"So I'm you're favorite Grandson, Grandpa" Kame teases the older one and wrapped around his arm to the other one.
"Only if you gave me the best sex ever!" Yamapi wrapped around the younger one.
"I love you GrandPa!" Kame whisper as he gave the one a loving kiss.
"You you too Grand son" Yamapi answer back.
the end.