Band(s): PATD/FOB
Pairing(s): Brendon/Ryan, Spencer/Jon, Pete gen
Word Count: ~30,000
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for violence, character death
Summary: A few things happen all at once.
First, there’s a really, really loud banging noise.
Second, Steve is pushing Brendon’s head down so they’re both folded in half.
Third, Steve is shouting something that sounds like Jack!
And fourth, there’s a whole lot of commotion.
Author's Notes: Man oh man! So many thanks to
mockturtletale for the art, the mix, the hand-holding, the beta job, the being there, the love. Seriously you guys, this girl is epic, and I am never, ever sharing her with anyone else ever again. Also bunches and bunches thanks to saint_vee and
orwhoeveriam for the amazing art and mix! Thanks also to
cellophne_chst because she is generally an awesome best friend and person in general. Finally, thanks to all the BBB mods who did an amazing job running this and organizing everything.
Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart FourPart FivePart Six Bonus Tracks/Enhanced Content
Two pieces and a suprise by and
mockturtletale Fanmix(es):
Fanmix by