No, no, I'm not actually GOING to college yet. I am such a baby, you guys. I AM SO LITTLE. I feel so young compared to everybody else on LJ. Just don't think about how young I am. Every day is one day closer to me being legal! Oh god. /o\
Anyway. COLLEGE, guys.
I don't know if this process was a big deal when you were applying, and I actually know spectacularly little about the various European schooling methods, but my school makes a humongous deal out of applying to colleges and universities. The Common Application came out on August 1st and I go back to school (senior year~**~) September 7th and I'm expected to have the entire thing filled out by the time I go back. That includes all the writing bits, too. Not the specific supplements for each particular school, but the main common app essay and yadda yadda yadda. ON TOP OF the six books I have to read for AP Lit/World History/Government and the all-school summer reading book. So I finished that essay last night and I've been steadily making my way through all the books and I had all the info filled that I could within a few days of it going live so yeah. I am totally on track, guys. I feel so PRODUCTIVE.
But this process in general is so unbelievably exciting. I've visited St. John's College in Santa Fe, Boston College in Boston (shocker, right?) and Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Oh, and University of Michigan, obviously, because it is practically in my back yard. Sort of. ANYWAY, in October I'm visiting Denver Univeristy and University of Chicago and Northwestern University. And I think I'm going to be applying to SCAD on top of those. At U Chicago I want to double major in Business and English, same for Denver, Northwestern and BC. At St. John's I'd get the same liberal arts degree as everybody else, obviously, at Johns Hopkins I'd major in Writing Seminars and minor in Entrepreneurial and Management Studies. And at SCAD I'd go for Equestrian Studies and Creative Writing.
SCAD is for sure the Out There one, but it sounds so enticing. I mean, riding and writing are what I really, really want to do with the rest of my life, my two passions, and to be able to do them both for four years would just. It would be so great, you guys. Plus I know the chair of the Equestrian Studies board, she's a really good friend of my dad's and I've actually spent a lot of time with her, so there's a huge chance that I'd get in. But I just don't KNOW. I guess that's why I have the next few months to figure it out.
Okay, enough about college. Onto FANDOM.
I seriously can't get over the Inception fandom. Any of it. It feels so great to be back into loving something so much, reading fic all the time (not so great for my productivity rate), actually being inspired to WRITE fic. I've got a piece in the works in my head, probably one that's going to be of pretty significant length. Basically it's a college AU where Eames is Arthur's RA and they're BFFZ4LYF. Seriously, these guys are best friends. And Eames is openly either bisexual or gay, but Arthur is not. Eames realizes that he's falling fast and hard in love with Arthur, which poses all sorts of problems. Namely, Arthur has been Very Much In Love with Ariadne since they went to high school together, which Ariadne knows and wishes she could reciprocate, but for all that she loves Arthur platonically, she just doesn't want him that way. So his love for Ariadne has been slowly fading ever since he got to college and became such good friends with Eames. Eames' Problem #2: Even if Arthur stops loving Ariadne, that is definitely not to say he will start to like Eames, because, well... Arthur's never mentioned being gay or even bisexual, and Eames has decided for his own sanity that he's going to pass off Arthur's comments about bicuriousity as the usual new kid at college wanting to experiment with everything.
IDEK GUYS. Does anybody have some input? Does anybody have some recs? WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE, PLEASE POINT ME IN THE DIRECTION OF ARIADNE/MAL FIC? It is he fic of my heart, and I need it like BURNING right now. I will do anything for someone who can show me some good femmeslash in this fandom. I will love you forever. So, so much.
Also! Hi, new friends! Friending memes are the best, yes? You can call me Taelor or Tae or really whatever you like, I am a rising senior in high school and I'm really, super shy but I love meeting new people and making new friends so please talk to me! Don't make me talk to you myself! It will end awkwardly and with me blabbering nonsense, but I will do it! Don't you doubt me!
You can always inbox me here, or on AIM I go by 'whisper reckless' and my MSN username is 'dolphinsandwolves AT msn DOT com' (oh my goodness, don't judge me, I've had it literally since I was eight), and my e-mail is 'kailolu AT gmail DOT com'. If there's some other means of communication you'd like to use, just let me know and I'll let you know if I've got it and if I don't, I'll find some way! OH. I have a twitter, romasquearde, and it's private so just let me know who you are and I'll let you follow me. I don't post anything interesting there, mostly just lyrics and random nonsense, but if for some reason you're so inclined, yeah. OKAY. I think that's all.