Character Applications
1. The mods reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
2. Please post your application with your personal livejournal. This will help the players and Mods distinguish between your and your character's journal.
3. Write everything in your own words. Copy-pasting is a no-no and plagiarizing will get you automatically rejected.
4. You are presently allowed up to 3 characters.
5. Please apply for one character at a time and wait until the first is accepted or rejected before applying for a second.
6. Original characters are being accepted. One is allowed per mun.
7. If accepted, you will be given a list of things to do. If wavered or rejected, you will be given a reason why.
8. When ready to apply, please copy/paste the application in the text box.
Player Information
Personal Journal:
Instant Message:
Email Address:
Any other characters in the rp?:
Character Information
Canon series:
Personality: [100 words]
Character appearance: [100-150 words; You may include In-Game appearance as well.]
In canon Raison D'etre:
Brief canon history:
Romdeau History
Occupation: [Side Note: Try to have characters stick to a job they'd have in canon. An example would be Light Yagami from Death Note. His position amongst the police force could translate to the Inspectors department, much like where Real Mayar works in EP canon.
If your character is a young age (up to 17), they have the option of being a student, but we are going to try to limit the amount of students. Think of this as a last resort.]
Social Class:
Brief AU history: [100-150 words]
What their current Raison D'etre is:
1st person sample post: [1-5 sentences long]
3rd person sample post: [150 words]
[Note: The two sample posts can be written together or separately, as long as the word count adjustments have been made.]
OC Application
Player Information
Personal Journal:
Instant Message:
Email Address:
Any other characters in the rp?:
Character Information
Autorave or Human:
Abilities: [Nothing Mary-Sue ish please.]
Personality: [100 words]
Physical description: [150 Words]
History/Background: [100 words]
Background setting: [What was the world like where they came from?]
Occupation: [What the occupation is and why it fits their canon.]
Social Class:
Raison d'Etre:
1st person sample: [10 sentences.]
3rd person sample: [150-200 words.]
Player InformationName:Personal Journal:Instant Message:Email Address:Any other characters in the rp?: Character InformationName:Canon series: Age:Gender:Personality: [100 words]
Character appearance: [50-100 words]
In canon Raison D'etre:Brief canon history: Romdeau History Occupation:Social Class:Brief AU history: [50-100 words]
What their current Raison D'etre is: 1st person sample post:
3rd person sample post: OC APPLICATION
Player InformationName:Personal Journal:Instant Message:Email Address:Any other characters in the rp? Character InformationName:Age:Gender:Autorave or Human:Abilities: [Nothing Mary-Sue ish please.]
Flaws/Weaknesses:Personality: [50-100 words]
Physical description: [150 Words]
History/Background:Background setting: [What was the world like where they came from?]
Occupation:Social Class: 1st person sample: [10 sentences.]
3rd person sample: [150-200 words.]