Animuc 2016

May 02, 2016 22:11

On the first weekend of April 2016, I visited a local convention called Animuc.
The Animuc is a convention for the area of Munich. I think due to high prices for renting rooms in Munich, the location is not in the city, but in a city a little bit outside of Munich. The location is the beautiful area of the "Kloster Fürstenfeldbruck". It has a church, meadows and a river.

The picture was taken in May 2015 by my boyfriend during the Naturfototage (nature photo days)
The first Animuc was organized in April 2009. It had the "typical" program points like show acts, workshops, cosplay contest, a vendor's room, a bring & buy, animes were shown and so on. A funny point was the auction, where visitors could bring any item and the staff would try to auction it off. Most items were figures and drawings, but there was also a rush in the audience to get a special edition of kit kat. ;)

I attended the Animuc conventions in the first years and sometimes organized lolita meetups there, but then I lost interest. I am not into manga and anime any more, and I never cosplayed, so I did only go when the weather was good and I stopped going some years ago.
I also found the organization to be a little chaotic. There were little improvements over the years, but not enough in my opinion. For example the show acts in the stage room were always late in comparison to the plan. Well, this is normal, I think. I would have wished for a simple information on the stage doors, e.g. "all show acts are approx 15 minutes late" or a print out of the time table with the times replaced by the estimated new times. I always wanted to attend a lot of the program, so I never had "free time" for waiting and trying to get required informations...
I wrote a blog entry about the Animuc in 2012.

This year, I did not buy a ticket, I just went there with my boyfriend for two hours and met with friends and other lolitas and tried to recognize some of the cosplays. The weather was really nice, too. ;)

After entering the event area, I was greeted by Tanja, a lolita that attended the lolita meetups that I have organized. (I organized lolita meetups from March 2011 until November 2013, according to my lolita history.) So I know her since a very long time ;)
I was very happy to see her again. We even took pictures together:


I shortly attended the lolita picknick, but basically only said hello to Vanilla and Stefan and chatted with the current organizer. There was even the photographer present that took pictures on some of the meetups that I organized. So the Animuc was a real flashback for me ;)

I wore a comfortable and simple lolita outfit:

headbow   Dolly Ribbon Headbow by Innocent World earrings   nomuzik_nolive necklace   offbrand, maybe six top   longsleeve cutsew by Maxicimam dress   JSK with kamees by Bodyline underskirt   handmade another lolita petticoat   Chérie Cerise tights   Penny (supermarket) handbag   Angel rose bag by Innocent world shoes   s522 by Bodyline
The Animuc was such a nice start for me that I want to try to attend more "official" and private lolita meetups this year.

animuc, lolita, meetup

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