Thirteen Improvisations, Seven Senses

Jul 07, 2014 16:54

Months ago, Pauline Oliveros encouraged me to submit a performance proposal for the Festival portion of the Second Annual International Deep Listening Conference being held next weekend at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I did, and as a result I will have the honor of reading/performing two works there, starting at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 13 ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

holyoutlaw July 8 2014, 01:01:55 UTC
Wow, congratulations!


ron_drummond July 16 2014, 15:34:04 UTC
Thanks, Luke! The performance went well, Pauline introduced me, and I received compliments and comments from folks off and on throughout the remainder of the festival -- including from folks who weren't immediately present for it, because the place where I read was on the building's top floor at a balcony overlooking seven stories of interior spaces below, and my amplified voice carried throughout the building -- I had several people tell me they couldn't make out what I was saying, but loved the sound of my voice coming from far above! And the people at the reading per se seemed pleased. The musical performances I heard were all fabulous -- about six hours of experimental music of all kinds, much of it extraordinarily beautiful. Deep Listening Band improvised for an hour in an electronic recreation of the acoustical environment of the Cistern at Fort Worden, with its 45-second reverberation time. An auditory vision of infinite space!


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