Title: Crushed
Author: Hannah aka
Rating: PG
Prompt: Crush
A/N: I wrote this Drabble for the
rondracodrabble community, consider this a practice for the challenge I'm working on.
By: Hannah aka
He’s been watching him since his family joined their so called ‘Order’. Father had seen the errors of his ways following the Dark Lord, course he only saw it once Voldemort killed mother.
“Weasley, so glad you came.” Draco said smoothing Ron’s new robes.
Ron batted away Draco’s hand. “Well I was invited.”
“Ronald.” Lucius drawled.
Draco’s eyes narrowed as his father caressed Weasley’s cheek. Lucius smirked at his younger replica. “Don’t pout Draco, it’s unbecoming.” Draco growled ferally. “You really thought he wanted you?” Lucius said as he grinned wickedly.
He watched as his father laced his fingers with his paramour, watched his dreams crushed before him as the wrong Malfoy won the heart of Ron Weasley.