Here I thought I was doing the right thing... now I come to find out I messed up my own digestive system?
Another two and a half hours in doctor's offices and pharmacies. Finally have a clue what I have. Three things... a fibroid thingy close to my kidney that is NOT impairing anything or causing any trouble. A small gall stone that is best to just leave alone and not disturb. In five-ten years, if it grows bigger and/or causes problems, then I should have removed. And third... an infection in the lining of my colon, they think. They can't do tests until it clears up so massive antibiotics and anti- inflamatory meds.
The fun part? Doc says it's probably my dietary habit that caused it. I eat a bunch of brown rice, I don't buy white bread or rice and avoid bleached flour. I try to eat enough fiber and such... you know the food pyramid. It seems that I probably got too much fiber and over time, it irritated the linings of the intestinal track. And that caused infection, 'cause ya know the innards are so not sterile.
Until they can do more tests, like for the next to weeks I'm on the low residue diet, aka low fiber diet. The first thing it says:
* Whole-grain breads, cereals and pasta
* Whole vegetables and vegetable sauces
* Whole fruits, including canned fruits
* Yogurt, pudding, ice cream or cream-based soups with nuts or pieces of fruits or vegetables
* Tough or coarse meats with gristle and luncheon meats or cheese with seeds
* Peanut butter
* Salad dressings with seeds or pieces of fruits or vegetables
* Seeds and nuts
* Coconut
* Marmalade
That means I can't have any more berries! Or berry jam. Or peanut butter. Or wild rice. I should eat plain yogurt? Aw man...
worst of all though? Cipro means I have to avoid prolonged sun exposure. My walks... have to be curtailed and we were going to the beach. And Lily Pons has an event Saturday... and...
Now I'm bummed. Of course with Petra on that won't last long.